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All-life Crisis? Give Yourself a Break

published May 01, 2015

By Author - LawCrossing
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Summary: We often have to sift through what we think we should do, what our parents think and what society thinks until we discover what we really love to do.

We've all heard of the classic "mid-life" crisis where grown men supposedly buy toupees, fancy cars and run off with younger women. Then there's the newly claimed "quarter-life" crisis that so many 20-somethings seem to be experiencing, where the life they'd imagined hasn't come to fruition and they abandon their path for something new.

Very few people find their true passion in life or their calling early on. We often have to sift through what we think we should do, what our parents think and what society thinks until we discover what we really love to do.

“If you haven't found it yet keep looking” – Steve Jobs

And you know what? Sometimes what you love to do changes.Because you change. And guess what? That's okay. It's okay to have 3 to 4 careers in a lifetime. It's okay to test out jobs and realize they aren't a good fit for you. It's okay to be in your 20's, 30's, 40's and beyond still looking for a purpose that makes you excited to wake up in the morning (okay, most mornings).

Give yourself a break; you don't have to have it all together right away. As long as you're doing your best and following your heart, you're doing the right thing. For you.