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It's a Zoo Over Here!

published December 18, 2011

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So many animals! As of yesterday, my brother and sister-in-law are in charge of 4 pets! Granted one is a bit more needy than the other three:

Since I'll be gone for almost four weeks, and security at airports isn't exactly gold fish and hermit crab friendly, my brother and sister-in-law agreed to take them in over the holidays. Neville has already stayed with them before, but this will be Padfoot and Prongs' first time!

Also, I'd like to note that Padfoot and Prongs are mearly their formal names. I actually refer to them as Big Dude and Little Dude. It works.

So I cleaned up their cage, packed up their stuff, and also grabbed the rest of my dad's gluten free cookies since I couldn't finish them off before my trip (Okay, not couldn't, but knew I shouldn't eat 2 dozen cookies in 3 days ).


I also cleaned Neville's bowl, he was very happy about it. He'd been a little neglected over the past two weeks.

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And here is ALL of their stuff! Neville is a light packer, but the crabs, despite how low maintenance they are, had a bunch of stuff in their bag. Not all necessary, but you never know.

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They weren't exactly pleased with me taking them out of their closet and removing them from the cage Here's them after I cleaned out the cage and put them back in, hiding under the coconut. Haha sometimes I wish I could just go chill out in a coconut. Or with a drink in a coconut Either way.

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What I found very interesting though, is how they reacted when I brought them to my brother and sister-in-law's apartment. Whenever I get anywhere near them, they always hide in their shells. Well when I arrived at their apartment, they went CRAZY!

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They were climbing all over the place and having a ball! Honestly, I think they just don't like me. Or perhaps they were very excited to meet Molly. I did tell Molly that she would not be able to play with them

Want to know another exciting thing that happened yesterday? Packing! Haha thrilling, I know.

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I'm actually quite the packer. I lay everything out beforehand and then systematically put it into my bag, with small things in the middle and big things to cushion on the outside.

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And one more exciting thing: I got my computer back!!!!

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I was so happy when I got the call because I was worried my brother would have to bring it when he came to Kansas City for Christmas, or even worse: it wouldn't even get back before then and I'd be without it for four more weeks!

But it's all good. It's back, although now it's basically a completely new computer. I have to re-load all my programs and it's totally empty. But that's fine with me! Especially since it can actually stream video fast enough so that I can catch up on this season's Biggest Loser! Score. What a great way to start the break! haha.


How are your packing skills?

How many pets do you have?

published December 18, 2011

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