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A Little Holiday Fun!

published December 17, 2011

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So I realize you've probably seen this on several blogs, but I couldn't resist! Today is my first official day of Christmas break (yes, I SURVIVED finals) so I thought this was very fitting!

Holiday Survey!

1. Egg nog or hot chocolate?? Most definitely hot chocolate. I've actually never had eggnog! My family never once had it growing up so I've never tried it!

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? When I was little he would put them out unwrapped, my brothers and I each had our own areas in the living room where we knew they would be. We had to wait on the stairs in the front hall where we couldn't see, and then we'd get to go in one by one. Usually I was second Life of the middle child.

Now Santa wraps them all!

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? White lights on the tree and then both colored and white outside!

4. Do you hang mistletoe? Lol no, no mistletoe in my house.

5. When do you hang your decorations up? My mom will usually start putting things up about a week or two after Thanksgiving. She's gotten tired of doing the tree alone (I would too!) so I think she's saving that for when I get home tomorrow!

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? My Mom's greens rice . It's a casserole made with rice, chopped broccoli, and cream of chicken soup Haha sounds a bit odd but it is SO delicious! She only makes it on special occasions!

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? I'm not sure I had a favorite song or album. I used to play the piano and the holidays were my favorite time to play because I had several Christmas music books. I used to even do concerts for our family on Christmas Eve, which we hosted at our house.

Sunday, December 23, 2001 (Image #2)

8. What is on your Christmas Wishlist? Mostly new running gear! I am in serious need of a jacket to wear when it's windy or rainy, and some good gloves!

9. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve? I think we used to do one gift on Christmas Eve when I was little, but now we just do all the gifts on Christmas morning!

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? White lights and a ton of ornaments that my parents have collected over the years. One year we got these special ornaments made, each with our names on them. Their like painted clay figures. Mine is an angel! duh.

11. Snow? Love it or dread it? I love the snow, especially when I'm at home! Here in Chicago though it can get annoying because it makes walking down the sidewalk a little slippery!

12. Real tree or fake tree? REAL TREE. Growing up we always went out and got a real tree. Then for about 6 years we had a fake tree. I HATED it! I hated putting it up, I hated taking it down, and it just wasn't the same! We are back to a real tree and I am a very happy camper!

Monday, January 21, 2002 (Image #5)

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Oh gosh. Honestly, I have no idea I usually end up getting money so I can go buy the item I asked for, and then I just end up putting the money in my savings account Lame, I know. I do LOVE the stocking stuffers we get though! Gift cards, office supplies (we were weird children), and a little candy!

14. What's the most important thing about Christmas for you? Spending time with my family! When I was little Christmas was more about what gifts I was going to get. Nowadays, I don't care much at all about that, I just try and enjoy the time that I have with everyone and appreciate all the blessings I've been given.

15. What is your favorite Holiday dessert? No idea! We don't have a specific holiday dessert every year. When I was younger though, my great aunt avis would make us these AMAZING cinnamon rolls and bring them over in the morning. The kind where you take them out of the oven and then flip them over so all the gooeyness is at the top. She actually passed away right before Christmas last year, and I wanted to make the rolls this years since I found her recipe, but I can't eat them! I might anyway, for everyone else. And no, I will not be making them gluten free. Not messing with that recipe.

16. What is your favorite tradition? Anyone in my family who reads this will think I'm crazy, but I love that my dad still reads us A Night Before Christmas every Christmas Eve. Granted I've forced him to do it and everyone to come listen for the past few years, but I love it.

17. What tops your tree? Hahahahaha, oh gosh. An awful paper star that I made and covered with glitter when I was younger. No idea how it hasn't ripped apart yet.

18. Which do you prefer: giving or receiving? Hmmm. Both. I like to see what people end up getting me, but I also love to give and make people happy!

19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Hmmm. That's tough. I love carol of the bells because I wish I could sing like that!

20. Candy canes, yuck or yum? LOVE THEM. Would not have survived finals without mini candy canes this year.

21. Favorite Christmas Movie? ELF!!! And Home Alone.

22. What do you leave for Santa? I don't think we leave anything anymore, but oreos used to be one of Santa's favorites.

23. Do you have a Christmas morning tradition? We used to have a designated wake up time aka when we were allowed to start making noise. We couldn't go down the front stairs though or anywhere near the living room until it was time for presents!

24. Do you prefer to shop on-line or at the mall? Online, I hate the mall.

25. Christmas letter or Christmas card? Lol I send out neither, but I'd like to send out christmas cards eventually!


WHEW!! That was a much longer survey than I anticipated!

Answer some of the questions! I'd love to hear about or Christmas, or other holiday, traditions!
