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I Love My Parents

published December 16, 2011

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There. I said it. In the title.

I have the best parents in the world. You might try and argue, and sure, I bet yours are pretty cool too. But sometimes I forget just how lucky I am.


So what brought on this random burst of gratitude toward my parents? Well yesterday I got home from the gym and errands to find a package waiting for me in the lobby. I headed upstairs and started to rip it open. Mind you, the actual item was wrapped in three different layers. It involved lots of ripping and scissors. And cursing.

At first I thought maybe my dad had sent me an external hard drive, since my computer died and I lost everything. I didn't know if I would find that helpful or a sick joke

Then, I thought he sent me some Christmas lights that he had already opened and realized he didn't need (Layer 3 was a christmas lights box).

But I was wrong! My dad sent me GLUTEN FREE chocolate chip cookies!

He found this recipe, went out to several stores (now I know why he called me asking where to get certain flours ) and made these cookies for me!

Now mind you, I guarantee my father did not know what most of the items were he put into the cookies. Actually, he probably didn't know what gluten was until about 2 months ago. And here he is, all on his own accord, making me gluten free cookies.

My favorite part of his note: Have you ever heard of coconut oil? Yes, Dad. I have some in my cabinet and it is much healthier for you than other kinds of cooking oils. I use it when saut ing veggies!

Look, he even sent a picture of all the supplies he bought! Like a true blogger, Dad.

photo (44)

First things first, I called my family!

HA. Not.

I tried a cookie first! duh. I thought it was delicious! Mind you, I cannot remember the last time I had a chocolate chip cookie. I'm thinking August, when I was home last.

photo (43)

IT WAS AMAZING. The sugar. The chocolate. The smile that cookie can bring to your face! Okay, clearly it's been way too long.

After I had a couple bites, THEN I called my family. I knew they'd all be at the dinner table (6:15 on the dot!) so both my parents were there on speaker phone when I called.

I talked with my dad a bit about the cookies and all his experiences trying to find the ingredients, and then my mom said something that nearly made me cry. First of all, let me tell you that my mother is a woman that is generally quite set in her ways, so changes that she makes without me having to ask shows a lot on her part.

My mother cleared out part of a kitchen cabinet to designate for all of my gluten-free food.

I know, it seems silly, but after everything I've been through these past two months, including trying to explain my dietary changes to my very confused parents, this meant so much to me. It's really the small, thoughtful gestures that people do for one another without having to be asked that make a person's day. Well, mom and dad, you made my day.


If you are reading this post before 12:30pm central time, then I am currently in a 4 hour Constitutional Law exam. Pray for me, please.

If you are reading this after 12:30pm, I AM FREE!!!!!!! Four weeks of no work, no obligations, and plenty of much needed relaxation! Trust me, I can't believe it either. And in 2 days, I'll be heading back to Kansas City! I hope my parents don't expect me to be extra nice and helpful after this post


What are you plans for the weekend?

What do you love about your parents, or other important people in your life?

What is something special that someone did for you recently?

published December 16, 2011

( 1 vote, average: 2.4 out of 5)
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