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Circuit Training with Ashley!

published December 15, 2011

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Hi there, my name is Ashley from My Food N' Fitness Diaries! I want to thank Katie for allowing me to post for her today! Her blog is one of my favorites to read, so I was thrilled when she asked me to guest post for her.



Today I wanted to share my love of circuit training with you. I have been a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) for a little over a year now, which has allowed me to learn how effective circuit training can be in your workout routine. The technical definition of circuit training (according to NASM) is: Circuit training programs consist of a series of exercises that an individual performs, one after the other, with minimal rest.



I love circuit training for so many reasons. It allows for comparable fitness results without spending extended periods of time to achieve them, which allows you to be more efficient with your time. Because really, who has tons of extra hours in their day to work out for hours? I certainly don't. I'd much rather pump out a quick workout that is just as effective as a longer work out would be. Circuit training also allows you to kill two birds with one stone by knocking out cardiovascular exercise AND resistance training all in one. Because you are going from one exercise to the next with little to no rest in between, you heart rate stays up, allowing your body to essentially get a cardiovascular workout while you are doing resistance work. Sweet, right?! Circuit training is a great training system for those individuals with limited time and for those who want to alter body composition.


I want to share my favorite circuit style workouts with you. Click on the links below to see what they're all about, and then go try em out!

Crazy Circuits Workout

Strength-Cardio-Core Circuit Workout

Living Room Body Weight Workout

Circuit Stations Workout

(At Home) Full Body Circuit Workout

12 Days of Christmas Workout (how fitting for this time of year, right? J )


I hope you'll come visit me over at My Food N' Fitness Diaries! I'd love to get to know you more. You can also follow me on Twitter HERE and/or Facebook HERE. Thanks again for having me, Katie!

published December 15, 2011

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