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Guest Post: Laura's Homemade Chocolates!

published December 12, 2011

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Hello everyone! I'm Laura and I blog over at Keeping Healthy Getting Stylish. I'm very happy to be guest posting for the lovely Katie today while she's getting through her finals!



I'm from the UK, and after losing weight I started blogging to share my love of healthy living and personal style. Please pop over to Keeping Healthy and Getting Stylish and say hi! Over the last few months I set myself a Big Budget Challenge to try and save money and I thought a great way to do this over Christmas would be to create some lovely homemade healthy gifts!

I decided to make some homemade chocolates, and these are so quick and easy to create:

Laura's homemade chocolates



2 bars of chocolate of choice or 2 bags of chocolate chips - I used Green and Blacks 85% dark

Selection of add ins, I used:

Goji Berry and Coconut

Candied Ginger

Roast salted mixed nuts and raisins


Begin by melting the chocolate in a microwave or in a bowl over some hot water. While the chocolate is melting fill separate bowls with your choice of add ins, reserving some of the filling for the top of the chocolates. Once the chocolate has melted divide it equally into the bowls of add ins mixing well. Using paper or silicon cupcake / muffin liners, spoon each of the mixtures into the cases and top with some of the filling. Keep in the fridge until the chocolate has cooled and firmed up. Remove from the cases if required (you could use pretty cupcake cases, in which case leave them in) and bag or box up ready for giving.




I put my chocolates into some plastic gift bags and decorated with some silver ribbon.




You could use lots of different ingredients in these chocolates to make really unique and tasty gifts. I think crumbled ginger cookies and dried cherries or dried cranberries and macadamia nuts would be amazing too!

Other great handmade gifts could include making your own nut butters or truffles, I think everyone appreciates handmade gifts!


Are you hand making any of your Christmas gifts this year? What would be your dream ingredients for some homemade chocolates?

published December 12, 2011

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