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Library Turned Nightclub

published December 11, 2011

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Hey, Hey! Everyone having a good weekend?? As of yesterday, I am officially one final down, three to go! Haha inch by inch!

I'd also like to note that it has officially snowed in Chicago! The weatherman said 1/10th of an inch counts, so this whole 1/8th got us to our official first snow!

photo (31)

I was pretty excited about it, until I went outside and remembered how much hard it is to walk (aka shuffle) on the sidewalks when there's ice


Yesterday I got up bright and early, hoping to get in a 4 mile run before hitting the books again to get in some last minute studying.

I checked the weather and decided to take my run inside.


And then I realized it was Saturday. My gym opens late on Saturday, so I had to study, then go run, then shower and rush to school! Luckily, I was able to cram in some more treadmill studying during my 4 miles!

I got to school plenty early for my final and was STARVING by this point! I grabbed a chicken salad at I Dream of Falafel, a middle eastern fast causal restaurant near my school. I ate my lunch while reading a couple blogs (wanted to refresh my brain before the exam) and headed to the computer lab where I'd be taking my test.

Normally, I'd take the exam on my own laptop (we type most of our exams so we can write more in the 4 hour period because who doesn't want to type like a maniac for 4 hours??). However, because the laptop I'm using from undergrad is a bit sketch, I decided to sign up to use the school computer instead.

The best part? Apparently my school's library is now a night club. You heard me right, a night club. Not only are they open to obscenely late hours, but you get one of these babies when you walk in:

 photo (34)

That's right, special deal today. By simply showing your student ID, you get a pass into the library (cover charge a measly 3 years tuition) and free access to come and go as you please I used it to go to the bathroom and fill up my water bottle. So cool.

So is anyone else a control freak like me and brings every possible thing they could need during the exam in a little plastic baggie?


oh. okay.  photo (33)

The unfortunate part though, is the candy was gone within the first hour I tend to get anxious during these exams (shocking, I know) and when I'm anxious I like to chew things. I used to go through gum like a mad woman! But I can't have sorbitol anymore (not so great for the digestive tract, in case you were curious) and its in almost all gum. I had started buying Spry gum, but it's a lot more expensive than regular gum so I decided just to cut the habit.

Aaaaanyway. The mini candy canes were a life saver! And I remember during my first finals in the 6th Grade, my science teacher told us that eating peppermint helps you concentrate! Win win situation right there.

Alright, it's back to law school life I go In exactly one week, I'll be flying home for Christmas!!!!


Did you ever bring a plastic baggie of stuff to your finals?

Has it snowed yet where you live? Or will it ever?!

published December 11, 2011

( 1 vote, average: 2.4 out of 5)
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