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Breakfast for Lunch!

published December 08, 2011

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Happy Thursday!

As you all are starting to get geared up for the weekend, I'm starting to FREAK OUT. My first final is on Saturday and it's closed book For those of you who don't know about law school (and I hope most of you don't) most exams are open book and open note. So this is my first closed-book exam and I am getting nervous! Studying for open-book versus closed-book exams is so different! I've got to reach back to my undergrad days!

Although I've been doing a lot of studying, I have had a few study breaks! On Tuesday, I met up with fellow Chicago-area blogger, Kathleen from The Daily Crumb for lunch!

I was so glad she reached out to me; it's always great to meet other bloggers and Kathleen is a lawyer herself, so it was fun to talk to her about school!

We met at Bakin and Eggs, a really cute breakfast and lunch place in the Lakeview area. The decor was very cute and fresh, and they had a great cafe as well, where you could sit at the bar or get a drink and pastry to go!

The menu had a lot of great looking items, both breakfast and lunch were tempting!

photo (24)

Despite all the great options, Kathleen and I ended up ordering the same thing! We both got the Roasted Veggie Frittata with egg whites. I got mine with the roasted potatoes and fresh fruit on the side. The Frittata had eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, red pepper, red onion and sundried tomatoes with goat cheese and an artichoke tapanade.

Here's my frittata after I ate most of it.

photo (23)

Oh and notice the bread? I asked for no toast but they brought it anyway I so wanted to eat it! Haha I miss bread at restaurants!

The frittata was good, but I definitely didn't notice many veggies other than the eggplant and red onion. Also, the fruit was sitting in juice and tasted like they'd kept it stored for a while. But the potatoes were TO DIE FOR! It has been so long since I had roasted potatoes and I forgot what I was missing!

Lunch was good, and it was really great to meet Kathleen!

Sorry for the short post, but it's back to studying for me! (actually starting to have mini panic attacks at this point send me good vibes!)


Do you have a favorite breakfast place to go to?

Have you ever met anyone in person that you met online first? (I feel like my family thinks I'm going to be murdered or something by meeting other bloggers )

published December 08, 2011

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