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7 Things

published October 14, 2011

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First thing's first: Molly.

Yesterday, all three of my classes were magically cancelled. I don't know how I managed that stroke of luck, but I was sure excited to have an extra day on my weekend and no commute back and forth to school!

Since I had the day free, I offered to go feed Molly (my brother and sister-in-law's puppy) lunch and hang out with her for a bit! Really, I just wanted some Molly time.

It was a little rainy and when I took her out for her walk, she was not having it. Literally. She would just sit there and refuse to move unless I was walking towards the apartment building. Even the park didn't entice her! I think she was just feeling like a lazy butt. I was okay with that.

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So we went back to the apartment, hung out, and watched a little America's Next Top Model. Classic.

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We also practiced a few tricks, including down and shake . She's very smart. Especially when there's a treat involved.

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And a few rather rowdy games of Tug-O-War. Which she won, of course. P.S. Can you tell she's a Missouri fan??

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Last week, Kristin from Eat Healthy Be Happy Live Well tagged me as a Blissful Blogger. Let's just say, I screamed. For real. Haha, I love her blog and was so honored and excited to be recognized in such a way by another blogger, especially since I've only been writing Peace Love & Oats for a little over 2 months!

So being tagged means that I have to write 7 things about myself. Brace yourselves. I feel a little awkward talking so much about myself personally. I know, I know, I have a blog about my life, but I feel like don't share a ton about me! So here we go!

1. I have the best parents ever. First of all, no mom and dad, I am not sucking up just so you get that Vitamix for my birthday at the end of the month. But perhaps this will help nudge you in the right direction hint, hint. But seriously, sometimes I get so wrapped up in my own world that I forget how lucky I am to have them in my life.

photo (14)chicagoIMG_1084Monday, January 21, 2002 (Image #6)

My mother thinks she's hilarious, and most of the time (don't tell her I said this), she is. I realize every day that I'm more and more like her than I ever thought and the older I've become, the closer we've gotten. My dad is constantly striving to be better and inspires me to do the same. He always puts everyone else first, and I am definitely a daddy's girl. I also love that we both enjoy running now, and it's something we can do together.

2. I am a twin. Shocked? You should be. I'm not an actual twin by blood. I gained my twin in college when I joined my sorority, Kappa Delta. It means that our big sister took us as her little sisters at the same time. Thus, we are twins.


Although we joke about how I actually found her horribly annoying when we first met, she is like a real sister to me. I would never have enjoyed college as much as I did without her, and I would not have survived many tough times. She means more to me than she could ever imagine. Plus, we both love Harry Potter and Jazzercise, so clearly it was meant to be. AOT!

3. I got my B.S. in Marine Biology at the College of Charleston.  I feel like now that I identify myself as law student, no one has any idea that I studied marine biology in college! That's actually the reason why I went to the College of Charleston; to study in their marine biology program! Although I realized research biology wasn't for me as a lifetime career, I absolutely LOVED the program and all of my classes! I feel like I have so much knowledge about marine biology, I hope I find a way to use it someday! Lol other than in regards to my pet fish and hermit crabs

4. I look like an albino without make-up on. I thought these were all a bit too sentimental, so I thought I'd throw this one in. My eyebrows and eye-lashes are completely and totally blonde, so when I don't wear mascara, my eyes basically disappear. I actually didn't wear mascara until college because I thought it looked ridiculous on me. Oh, and I used to straighten my hair all the time until about senior year of college. Hence these pictures from HS: 

katie cropped

kaite recruit 2









5. I have some amazing friends they all just live in other parts of the country. Something I've struggled with here in Chicago is finding good friends, which makes me miss all my other friends so much more! I have a few great friends from growing up, and a bunch more from college who I miss dearly! I gave a shout-out to my parents and my twin, so I thought they needed one too! And they are quite the characters! I miss all of you guys, every day!

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6. I have an unhealthy obsession with television. That's right. My name is Katie and I am a TV addict. Which is why I don't own a television! I decided not to buy one in college and still haven't. Although that hasn't stopped me, as we speak I have old seasons of the Biggest Loser playing on my computer. Although I don't actually watch it, but just have it on, and I think that's because I like having the voices in the background. It's weird to live alone! Haha but I love TV. Way. Too. Much.

7. One of my goals in life is to become a mixture of my Grandmother and my Great Aunt Avis. We've already established that I'm like my mother, but two other women that I've known and would be lucky to be anything like are my Grandmother (Granann) and my Great Aunt Avis who passed away this last Christmas. There are no words to describe how amazing Avis was; after her husband passed away she took over the newspaper he ran and kept it going until she sold it about 10 years ago. She was an amazing businesswoman and was very involved in about a million things I don't want to bore you with here. My Grandmother is one of the most thoughtful and kind women I know and she is always up for trying new things; she and my grandfather, Jack, just got back from Russia! Plus, they are both exceptionally stylish

avis and me Sunday, December 23, 2001 (Image #2)

                                         Avis                                                                              Granann

I hope I didn't completely bore you all with these facts about my life!!! I have to say, I did really enjoy going through all these old pictures!


I'm going to tag Cate from Good For You and Jessica at Dishin' About Nutrition!!!

What is an interesting fact about you that many people don't know?

published October 14, 2011

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