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published October 13, 2011

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I've realized that other than my runs, I'm pretty un-descriptive when it comes to telling you all about my workouts! Usually it's just because I can't remember everything I did, or don't know how to explain it, so I just give up! Well today, I'm going to show you my cardio/weight-lifting combo from this morning! I kept reading about Julie's 100 squat leg workout, so I decided to mix up my leg workout by trying the 100 squats, and adding in some new moves! I started out by doing a HIIT workout on the elliptical. I like doing intervals on the treadmill, but the elliptical is actually just as effective! I couldn't run for almost 4 months this summer, so I tried to keep up my cardio by using the elliptical. I was worried I would be huffing and puffing when I got back to running, but it was just the opposite! My pace increased immediately and I felt great. Evidence that doing an HIIT workout on the elliptical is just as effective as on the treadmill! 25 Minute HIIT Elliptical Workout First, I set my treadmill to a setting where it goes up and down 2 hills during the workout, and it's broken into 4 sections so you do the first 1/4 forward, the second 1/4 backwards, then forwards and backwards again (it tells me when to switch). But you can do this without the hills too! It just mixes things up and makes it more interesting. min 1 - 5 forward at generally fast pace (warm up) min 5-10 backwards; first 30 sec sprint going as fast as you can. Do the next 30 sec at a normal pace (don't slow down too much!) then switch back and forth every 30 sec. min 10-15 do the same thing but going forwards! min 15-20 do the same thing but going backwards! Then, I'll either do a 5 min cool down or, like today, I hopped on the treadmill and walked uphill for 5 minutes to cool down.
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Great gym lighting But I wanted to show you all the type of elliptical that I did this workout on. After my cardio, it was time for a leg workout! Leg Workout Stability Ball Hamstring Curls: 3 sets of 15 with a 1 min plank between the sets 100 squats (I had to do it 70, and then 30) Deadlifts: 3 sets of 15 with oblique ab moves in between sets Standing Side Leg Raises: 3 sets of 20 on each leg with 50 crunches in between sets Superset of Vertical Leg Press and Calf Raises: 3 sets of 15 for each move   All of these moves you can Google, or just ask me about them! Haha I actually Wikipedia-ed dead lifts while at the gym to see if you bend your knees or not! You do! When I got home, I made a new smoothie concoction! (since I can't eat bananas for five days ugh) Strawberry Peach Smoothie Ingredients 1/2 cup almond milk heaping 1/2 cup frozen strawberries heaping 1/2 cup frozen peaches 1/2 T ground flax 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1 tsp Truvia 1/4 tsp coconut extract Served with Panda Puffs and Rice Chex It was so sweet with both the strawberries and peaches! Delicious! HIIT workouts are becoming quite the fad! Have you tried it out and if so, what are your favorite ways to do them? Do you like having goals to motivate you, like Julie's 100 squats?

published October 13, 2011

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