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5 Things and 5 miles!

published September 30, 2011

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Yesterday I did my very first long short run. Wait, what?? Haha, ok so a short run for me is a run I do during the middle of the week and my long runs are on the weekends. My short runs are usually 2-3 miles and sometimes 4 miles.

Currently I'm following a training plan from Smart Coach on Runners World since I'm training for a 10 mile run at the beginning of November. This week I had a 5 mile run scheduled in the middle of the week, with a 7 mile run on Sunday, eek!

I've never run 5 miles as a short run - it was always a long run distance. Although I knew I was completely capable of running 5 miles (I ran a 10K last weekend and kicked butt!) it just mentally threw me off! I was actual a little nauseous heading out because I was so nervous!

But the run went great! Although my knee was bothering me (I need to work on rolling out my legs more!) I was able to follow the pacing on the run and the time flew by! I ran the 5 miles in 43:40, and then jogged/walked another mile in 10:37. Here was my mileage breakdown:

Mile 1 - 8:49

Mile 2 - 8:47

Mile 3 - 8:34

Mile 4 - 8:27

Mile 5 - 9:03

A couple hours before my run, I had a delicious bowl of banana oats for fuel! In the mix: 1/3 cup oats, 1 T Chia seeds, 1 whole banana, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/2 cup water. I cooked the oats and chia seeds in the almond milk and water and then mashed up the banana and added it in near the end. Be sure to whip the banana around like crazy! It tastes great when it gets gooey and incorporates into the oatmeal! I topped it off with a small spoonful of PB!

For lunch yesterday, I tried out Clare's Fried Barley recipe! I absolutely love fried rice, but haven't had it in ages. This recipe turned out even better than fried rice from restaurants!

I didn't have all the same veggies, or any chickpeas, so I only used broccoli and mushrooms in mine. I also didn't have barley, so I used a grain mix from Trader Joes! I also cut the recipe in half since I didn't want any left-overs (hers is for 2 servings). I started out by cooking up my rice based on the instructions on the box.

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Then I added my chopped onion and garlic to the pan.

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And then all my veggies! After they had cooked for a bit, I added in my brown rice and then finally an egg and scrambled it all together. Last I added the sauce - 1.5 T of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1.5 T liquid Amos.

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It was SOOOOO GOOD!!!! you all should give it a try!

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I've seen several bloggers, including Chelsey and Julie, do a Five Survey recently so I decided to join in on the fun!

Last 5 People I Talked to on the Phone:

1. my friend Maddie

2. My first year law student mentee

3. My brother

4. Corepower Yoga (this was just a number in my phone - I called it to see who it was!)

5. My mom!

Last 5 Meals I Ate:

1. Kale salad with butternut squash, beets, avocado and chickpeas with a Annie's ginger dressing!

2. Homemade Fried rice with broccoli and mushrooms (from Clare)

3. Banana Oatmeal!

4. Amazing food from the cooking demo with Amanda Skrip!

5. Tempeh with roasted eggplant and zucchini (also from Clare!)

Last 5 Places I've Traveled:

1. Springfield, IL (see my three recap posts! 1, 2, 3)

2. Kansas City (home)

3. Denver (including Cheyenne, WY and Colorado Springs)

4. Glen Arbor, MI

5. Kansas City!

Next 5 Places I Will Go (outside of my hometown):

1. Kansas City (Thanksgiving)

2. Kansas City (Christmas)

3. South Carolina (wedding)

4. Colorado Springs

5. Suggestions???

5 Things Making Me Happy Right Now:

1. My delicious pumpkin oatmeal

2. That it's the weekend

3. I'm going to Whole Foods today! (haha yes, I'm lame)

4. Book club meet up tonight - Hunger Games!!!

5. I caught one of my adopted hermit crabs actually moving!

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Look at him! He's on top of the coconut! I came back after Amanda Skrip's Cooking Demo and he was up there! Haha, caught in the act!

Now it's your turn, pick one or two of the 5's and tell me yours!

Also, do certain mileages ever freak you out mentally?
