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What I Ate Wednesday

published September 28, 2011

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Hey, hey everyone! I'm still CRAZY EXCITED about my new web domain! I can't get over it! I keep randomly telling people about it too, even people who don't regularly read my blog Haha I think I'm more proud of this than my amazing race time in my 10K this weekend! So today is Wednesday, and you know what that means: What I Ate Wednesday! Okay, so it's really what I ate on Tuesday, but it's all good.
Peas and Crayons
My breakfast was absolutely amazing, no joke. It was actually killing me not to add it into my blog post yesterday because I was saving it for today. After my 2 mile run and strength training workout, I went home and had some amazing Pumpkin Pie Oats. Ingredients 1/3 cup oats 1/3 cup almond milk 2/3 cup water 1 egg 1/3 cup canned pumpkin 1/2 tsp ground flax sprinkle of cinnamon raisins walnuts To make the oats, I used a variation of the recipe I used Sunday that I got from the Healthy Everythingtarian. I put the oats, flax, milk, water and egg into a pot on the stove and whisked until the egg was all mixed in. Then, about halfway done with cooking, I added in the pumpkin and the cinnamon. Then, when it was done, I topped it with raisins and walnuts! The egg mixed in really gave it a great creamy texture, it smelled just like pumpkin pie, and almost tasted like it! photo (23) I had to meet with my first year law student mentee at 1, so I ended up eating lunch much later. For a snack to tide me over, I had a sliced Gala Apple sorry no picture! For lunch I had packed Clare's Garlic Soy Eggplant and Zucchini , from Fitting It All In, that I made on Sunday. It was pretty good, however, I think it would have been a lot better fresh. It's definitely not meant to be stored and eaten later because the eggplant was pretty mushy. It smelled so good when I made it! I'll have to have it fresh sometime. photo (28) For my afternoon snack, I tried a Chocolate Peppermint Stick Luna Bar. I'd never had this type before and I actually liked it a lot better than I thought it would! I don't like Luna Bars that are too dessert-like, but this was like a chocolate granola bar with a bit of peppermint on the bottom. Perfect combination! photo (24) After school, I headed home to make dinner! I still had the other half of my spaghetti squash from last night's dinner, so I decided to try out Clare's Spaghetti Squash with Huminara Sauce! (Love these recipes Clare, keep em coming!). I made a couple changes though - I didn't have hummus so I kind of made my own I put half a cup of chickpeas, a clove of garlic, and a smidge of olive oil in the food processor, and then also added in the other half of my canned tomatoes from last night. Worked for me! photo (27) Another change I made is that I used both zucchini and mushrooms, since I want to be sure to use my mushrooms before they go bad! That always seems to be a problem for me I also don't have nutritional yeast, so I put some string cheese on top! Haha it was the only cheese I had; I actually got it as SWAG from the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 10K this weekend! photo (25) I microwaved the whole thing so that the cheese would melt. Because I used the canned tomatoes, it was pretty watery, I had to drain it out! But it was absolutely delicious! What a good idea, Clare - hummus and marinara sauce! I loved it! It made it really like spaghetti! photo (26)   Have any of you tried turning a vegetable into a pasta dish? I've done it with spaghetti squash and zucchini! I always love it!
