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Moving On Up...

published September 27, 2011

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Moving On Up...

Hey everyone! Welcome to!!! I am so excited to have my own domain now! Mostly, I'm excited that I can I can finally reply to comments that you all make! The whole reason I started this blog was to share information and to connect with people and this intention was frustrated by blogger's inability to reply to comments! I'm still working on changing over links, right now if you click on a link that is meant to take you to another one of my posts it will direct you to that post on my blogger site. If anyone has advice on how to change the links over without doing each one individually, please let me know! Also, if you notice anything weird or have any advice for using wordpress, I'd love any help! But remember, if you're feeling nostalgic for the old site, it's still there! Haha, feel free to visit. So I realized yesterday that I had forgotten to put together my daily workout schedule! Here's this week's schedule: I'm actually weirdly nervous about my 5 mile run on Thursday. It's the longest mid-week run I've had, so it seems weird to me to run so far when it's not my long run! I just have to remind myself that it's only one mile further than a 4 mile run, easy peasy! I'm am really excited, however, for my 7 mile run! It will be a personal distance record for me! Now that I'm getting into longer and longer runs, I feel like I need to do some more research about distance running and fueling properly for runs. I've never eaten during a run (haven't had to!) and I rarely drink anything, it usually just upsets my stomach. So the idea of eating during a run to fuel just seems so weird to me! If anyone has advice for someone who is just getting into distance running, I'd really appreciate it! Now on to food! Last night my late class was cancelled, so I had time to come home and make myself dinner! I was so excited and decided to try out something new and slightly adapted from the Peanut Butter Finger's recipe I tried a few weeks back. "Spaghetti" with Veggie Sauce Ingredients 1/2 spaghetti squash half can of tomatoes 1/2 zucchini 1 cup mushrooms 1 garlic clove 2 T onions 1/2 T olive oil dash of oregano and garlic powder 1/3 block of Tempeh I called it "veggie sauce" because it's easily adaptable to whatever vegetables, meats, beans that you want to include! I just happened to have some left over tempeh from the lunches I made this week, so that's what I threw in! I started by chopping up the clove of garlic and putting it in the pan with some olive oil. Then I chopped up the veggies and sauteed them in the pan. Then, I added in the half can of tomato, as well as the oregano and garlic powder and let it cook for a bit. For the tempeh, I just sliced it up and steamed it in the microwave before adding it into the sauce at the last minute. For the spaghetti squash, I had success with microwaving an acorn squash, so I decided to microwave the spaghetti squash as well! It took a while - probably 12-15 minutes in total, but it worked perfectly! After microwaving the squash (I cut it in half about halfway through the microwaving to check it) I scooped out the seeds and gunk (technical term) from the center and then scraped the squash out and put it in a bowl. Then I topped the squash with my sauce, and ta-da! My own "Spaghetti" dinner! Just what I was in the mood for! Feel free to leave a comment about... ANYTHING! Why? Because I'll be able to respond! Hope you all have a great Tuesday!

published September 27, 2011

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