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Egg Salad and Funfetti!

published September 05, 2011

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More new recipes! This long weekend is giving me a great opportunity to try out new things! 

I have been drooling over the salads that Kath from Kath Eats makes with eggs on top! They always look so delicious! So I used one of her salads as inspiration for my lunch today!

I also got this cute little frying pan from World Market! The teflon covering made it so easy to clean!

 On the salad I also put a small sliced fig, yellow onion and broccoli slaw.

The runny egg made it so delicious!!! This really hit the spot for my lunch today!

For my dinner, I returned to a classic: the veggie scramble. However, I added some grains and protein and healthy fat on the side! I'm working on having a more balanced diet! Haha, if you noticed, I've been eating a lot of veggies!

In tonight's scramble I used kale, broccoli slaw, sweet onion, yellow pepper, eggplant (still working on that SAME eggplant from all week) and green onions. After steaming, I mixed in some dijon mustard and cumin! On the side I added 1/4 a whole wheat pita. Inside, I put some cheese, a little bit of marinara sauce and some oregano, and microwaved for 30 seconds. Mini quesidilla!

Also, today Katie from Chocolate Covered Katie posted about her birthday coming up! One of the recipes on the post was for Funfetti Cookie Dough Balls - of course I had to try them!

They turned out delicious! However, I didn't have any sprinkles! There were none at Trader Joe's and when I stopped into Whole Foods they only had the confetti kind, which are the little balls, and I'm not a fan of those. So my "funfetti" cookie dough balls were quite as colorful as Katie's.

What are some new recipes that you've tried, or made up, recently?

published September 05, 2011

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