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One Amazing Thing: Book Review

published August 24, 2011

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Day three of law school! For lunch today I packed the same salad from Monday. I know, I'm creative. Gotta use up what I've got! But don't worry, I'm already putting together my grocery list and am way to excited about going. 

Salad: chopped romaine, cucumber, mushrooms, shredded carrots, and 1/2 cup kidney beans. Dressing: lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and black pepper.

Later in the afternoon, I was getting pretty hungry so I grabbed a quick snack before my Environmental law class. Some fruit from the cafeteria and a cafe misto with non-fat milk from Starbucks. Please note the new compostable containers from the cafeteria, good job Environmental Law Society!

My last class is from 6-7:25, which means I don't get home until well after 8. After realizing this (this afternoon...) I decided to head back to Starbucks for one of their smoothies (that has protein powder in it!) and ate it with one of my Mojo bars at the beginning of class.


So this summer I tried to read as many books as I could that have NOTHING to do with law school. A book that I read while in Kansas City was One Amazing Thing by Chitra Divakaruni.


I actually came across the book in a used bookstore and thought it sounded interesting, so I picked it up! I ended up really enjoying this book. The book revolves around nine people who are trapped in an Indian consulate in an American city after an earthquake. The nine people are all of various ages and ethnicities and out of the nine there are three pairs of people who know one another; the other 3 were at the consulate alone. To help distract themselves from the panic of being trapped in a room with no way out, they each tell a story from their life.

One aspect of the book that I enjoyed most was that the point of view would switch from chapter to chapter. It stayed mostly with the girl who started the book, but I enjoyed getting into the other characters' minds and understanding both their background better, as well as their perspective on the other eight people they were trapped with. Also, the stories they each told were very interesting because they all came from different backgrounds, grew up in different countries, and were in very different places in their lives.

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for an interesting read. It was very well written and easy to get through. A great book to pick up for a relaxing afternoon, but it's hard to put down! The unknown of the earthquake kept the book a little more thrilling, keeping me reading to find out more! 

Have you ever found a great book by just wandering through a bookstore and picking it up?

published August 24, 2011

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