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Current Favorites

published March 03, 2012

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Hey everyone! I hope you all are have had a wonderful start to your weekends! I had an interesting start. Yesterday I was so excited because my heel wasn't bothering me. I was on the elliptical for 20 minutes and everything was fine (I hadn't used the elliptical all weeks, just the bike). So I decided to try my luck on the treadmill! I started out at a very slow jog aaaaaand, OW. Bad idea. I didn't even last a minute without my heel hurting so I had to stop.

I'm taking all day off today and possibly looking into getting some new shoes. My other heel actually started to feel off as well, so I'm wondering if it's a shoe issue? I bought the shoes over Thanksgiving, when I was only running about 14 miles a week. Now, I've upped my mileage to almost 30 miles a week (ha, well not this week ) and wonder if I need some new shoes?

I just hope I get this all figured out soon so I can get back to training for my half marathon! I know I can complete the distance, but I want to get a time good enough to be in a corral for the Chicago Marathon! I guess we'll just have to see.

Currently, I'm icing my heel and browsing through pinterest. I thought I'd share some of my favorites from the week with you all!



ride in a hot air balloon


fall riding boots.  die.


Poptart pops




true true.


see the northern lights


Lemon Chex Mix




F-ing LOVE. #jewelry #bronze #monogram #initial


gluten free oreos. gluten free girl.





What are you loving right now?

Any suggestions for my heel issue???
