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A Holiday Pick-Me-Up!

published February 11, 2012

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Good morning everyone! Today's my long run day, so right now I'm fueling up, downing some water and coffee and getting ready to head to the gym! So you know how yesterday I showed you all the cauliflower rice recipe? Well I made it again for lunch yesterday with a slight variation. This time, I added some chopped up brussel sprouts to the veggie mix (in addition to steamed kale and mushrooms) and for the sauce I mixed together 1 T of nutritional yeast, 1 T Greek yogurt, garlic powder and flax milk to thin it out. Topped again with my turkey muffins! The creamy sauce when really well with the cauliflower rice , getting it to stick together nicely!
photo (28)
Once again, I would have loved to try this on a skillet, but I had just gotten home from class and was absolutely famished! Trust me, it's a miracle that I didn't just grab a salad to go from my favorite Greek place, Tzatziki. But I have so much produce in my fridge I felt way to guilty not using some of it! Plus I only get carry-out food once a week, and since I wasn't craving it I decided to save it for another day. One thing I've been meaning to share with you all but keep forgetting is my new favorite cocktail! I'd heard a lot about making Apple Cider Vinegar drinks, and I'd tried it a few times using ACV, stevia, lemon juice and cinnamon. However, the cinnamon was just messy since it didn't mix in well. When I saw that Clare made hers in a wine glass to make it more fun, I decided to try that and leave out the cinnamon. And you know what? It was so much better! photo (29) *Edited to Add: Recipe: 2 T ACV, 1 T lemon juice or juice from 1/2 lemon, 1 packet stevia (2 if you need it), and water! I probably have at least 2 glasses of this every day. It's supposed to be good for digestion, but honestly, I just love sipping on it! It keeps me from getting snacky and is a much cheaper option than buying my beloved Kombucha. photo (68) Plus, zero calories, unlike Kombucha and the coffee drinks I'd love to order at Argo Tea. It's a win-win situation! So remember how one of my February Goals was to NOT hate on Valentine's Day this year? Well so far I have had one success. I went to Starbucks to get some work done and ordered a tea. I'd seen these cups on blogs before, and thought, oh gosh, V-Day is everywhere! But you know what? It made me smile. photo (31) I mean come on, how cute is this cup? I'm all for themed anything! Definitely more fun than their plain old white cups. I wonder if they'll come out with anymore holiday cups this year! Oh, and isn't my Valentine looking beautiful? VID00145   Well I'm off to run 12 miles Haha wish me luck!   If you could pick any holiday for Starbucks to make a cup for, what would it be?   What would you mix into your cauliflower rice ? The possibilities are endless!
