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Grub with Chelsey (and Molly )

published July 29, 2012

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Good morning!

Molly wanted to wake everyone up. She's so good at it!

I hope you all are having a good weekend, I sure am! Yesterday I had a 13 mile run with my training group, the Chicago Area Runners Association. The weather was amazing (low 70s and breeeeezy!) and I actually felt pretty good! I was worried that after my half marathon I'd be too exhausted, but I enjoyed the run! Although my IT bands were pretty tight! I'll be rolling those out this week!

After my run I got to head out to the burbs where I met Chelsey for froyo! I hit a new record and spent $6.50 on my froyo! I have never hit $6 before! haha It was a heavy bowl, but so delicious! And great company to share it with!

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Speaking of Chelsey, I got to spend Thursday night with her as well! She was asked by Grub With Us to host a vegetarian dinner. It's a company that sets up family-style dinners at various Chicago restaurants and anyone can sign up to go! It's a great way to try new restaurants and meet new people. Chelsey asked if I would come, and of course I said yes!

Dinner was at Karyn's on Green, which is only about a mile from my work so I walked there that evening. It's a vegan restaurant and Karyn actually has a few different restaurants in the Chicago area. There were 7 of us at the dinner and we all decided to order a couple pitchers of sangria. It was a tri-berry sangria and completely delicious!

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The first course included beans, mushrooms and nectarines. It was a warm salad and very delicious!

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The second was a curry-flavored arugula salad with sweet corn and wax beans. This one smelled amazing and tasted great as well.

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The main course was a risotto cooked with various tomatoes and made in a tomato broth that they spend 3 days cooking! It was very good, and filling!

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Dessert was watermelon four ways (pardon the awful photo ). Personally, I wasn't a fan of this one. The only watermelon I liked was the grilled, and I just got a tiny peace of that.

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Haha, Chelsey and I decided it wasn't real dessert and we should go get some froyo afterwards. Sadly, we couldn't find any near us, which is why Chelsey suggested we go on Saturday! It was some great food and some very interesting company haha I had a blast chatting with Chelsey though!

So have you all been watching the Olympics? I haven't seen much yet since I don't have a TV, but I just figured out how to watch the online streaming so I'm excited about that. Molly has been practicing all her different events, but her favorite is Tug-A-War. She believes this should be included in the next summer Olympics and will be ready for it!

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What is your favorite summer Olympic sport to watch? Mine are diving and gymnastics!


What types of events have you attended to meet new people?
