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I'm A Solemate!

published June 18, 2012

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Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all are having a great start to the week!

Sunday was another relaxing day and an errand/getting things done day. I started off by doing a yoga video from Do Yoga With Me, which is a site with free yoga videos! I did a yoga for runners video because I was so sore! It was basically just stretching, but it helped a bit. I spent the rest of the day reading, running errands, prepping food and hanging out with my brother, sister in law and her sister. Nothing too exciting!

Important note: I also wanted to mention, I'm looking for some roommates for the Healthy Living Summit - I'll be there Friday through Sunday (2 nights) so if you're looking for a 4th (I've heard most people squeeze in 4 to save money) or even a 1st, send me an e-mail at!

Anyway, I do have something else exciting to share with you:

As you all know, I am currently training to run the Chicago Marathon on October 7th of this year! Ahhhh so exciting! And you also know that I've been training with CARA, the Chicago Area Runners Association. This is normally a pretty expensive thing, however I've been able to participate for free! When you sign up to fundraise for a charity while running the marathon, then you get free registration into the CARA marathon training program. So who am I fundraising for? I'm so glad you asked.




After hearing about Girls on the Run from Caitlin, on Healthy Tipping Point, I knew it was an organization that I wanted to be involved with. I grew up going to an all-girls summer camp and was a sailing counselor for one year. I love working with young women, so combining that with my love of running seemed like the perfect match.

Girls on the Run is a great organization that uses training for a 5K to teach young women about self-esteem, health, confidence and friendship. Because many young girls cannot afford to participate in the program, Chicago's Girls on the Run awards more than $500,000 in scholarships and subsidies each year so that girls from low-income communities are able to participate in the program.

As a Solemate, my goal is to raise at least $600 for the program, and I'm hoping much, much more! Being able to participate in something like Girls on the Run would have made a huge impact in my own childhood. I've learned so much from running now, and I think this program will really empower young women to be their best.

If you are able, I would really love you help with my fundraising! I realize that giving money to every charity you want to is just not possible, but every little bit counts, just $5 would mean the world to me, and to a young girl out there. If you can't donate, please feel free to spread the word and tweet about this giveaway or put it on your facebook status. I'd appreciate all the help I can get!

Here's the link to my fundraising site:



What is something that gave you confidence as a young girl?

Have you ever done fundraising before?

published June 18, 2012

( 1 vote, average: 2.1 out of 5)
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