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published June 08, 2012

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Today is a big day.



Today is my bestest friend's birthday.




My bestest DOG friend, that is!

Today, Molly turns one year old!!!!

Since my brother and sister-in-law bought Molly from a breeder, we know her exact birthday, which is today: June 8th! Please be sure to mark this in your calendars for future years.

I still can't believe how much she's grown! She was SO TINY when they brought her home last July! I realize these photos are a biiiiiit excessive. But I love this dog. And you should too.



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Do you celebrate your pet's birthdays?

Anyone you know have a birthday today?!


* Congrats to Michelle at Better with Berries for being the ONLY one to guess whose birthday is today! Haha no prize though

published June 08, 2012

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