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Busy Weekend!

published May 28, 2012

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Hey everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your holiday weekend! It's been pretty busy for me! I was up bright and early on Saturday morning and had to say goodbye to my friend Maddie (after a great evening of sushi and my first ever Menchie's froyo), and head to the airport! I, of course, had a breakfast of champions. Honey greek frozen yogurt with frozen mango on top!

I also had these veggie chips I found at Whole Foods. Can we say "addicting ?!?!?

photo 2 (13)

I flew into Chicago on Saturday afternoon and my LOVELY big brother surprised me by picking me up from the airport! (Personally I just think he was avoiding going to the zoo with some family in town, but I'll take it!). I unpacked, hung out with my brother and sister-in-law for a bit, hit the grocery store and then went to dinner with my brother, my sister-in-law, and several members of her family who were in town visiting!

No pictures, but I wanted to be SURE to mention that Sonny (my sister-in-law's brother) was at dinner. Now that he has been mentioned on my blog, he is famous. Congratulations Sonny.

I woke up bright and early Sunday morning and headed to Holland, MI to get brunch with Ashley and Chelsey! I have been talking with Ashley for a while, so it was so great to meet her in person! She was in Michigan for the weekend and when I realized it was less than 3 hours away, I had to visit!

We went to brunch at a restaurant called The Windmill and all ordered veggie omelets!

photo 2 (11)

photo 1 (9)

The food was good, but the company was much better! No photos of us, those are all on their real cameras, so I'll be getting them in a couple days. Didn't think my iPhone would top photos taken by their cameras haha.

On my way back I went to a farmers market and grabbed some cherries! Michigan is famous for their cherries, so I had to get a bunch!

photo 4 (7)


photo 5 (6)

After getting back I hit up Whole Foods on my way into the city, had some lunch and then went over to my brother and sister-in-law's apartment to hang out with Sonny (there you are again, Sonny!) and his wife, Suzanne before they headed back to Springfield. Oh, and my best friend was there too:

photo 1 (10)

photo 3 (12)

P.S. She's learning to wink:

photo 2 (12)


What have you done this weekend?

What's your favorite farmers market item?

published May 28, 2012

( 1 vote, average: 2.3 out of 5)
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