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WIAW-Excessive Snackage

published May 16, 2012

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Good morning everyone! It's Wednesday - halfway through the week! Wednesday also means it's time for another installment of What I Ate Wednesday!

Peas and Crayons

If you are new to WIAW, head over to Jenn's blog, Peas and Crayons, where you can read about WIAW, why she started it, and all the other participating blogs!

Today's WIAW comes from my eats yesterday, Tuesday! I started off the day with a lighter breakfast since I was going to head to Jazzerise just an hour later. I had 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt with stevia and vanilla mixed in, a TON of blueberries, and some walnuts!

photo 2 (12)

After Jazzercise, I went to Trader Joe's to pick up some food, roasted a bunch of veggies for the week and then made myself some lunch! I basically just sliced up a bunch of vegetables and steamed them in the microwave. In the mix is eggplant, zucchini, kale, mushrooms, chickpeas and then some marinara sauce on top!

photo 1 (11)

I enjoyed my lunch while watching the Bachelorette season premiere!

Afterwards, I couldn't resist making up a bowl of berries that I got from Trader Joes! I put some of the Sol Sunflower Beverage on top and a packet of stevia. And a few chocolate chips! Perfect dessert.

photo 2 (13)

Pretty sure I got my days worth of fiber in this lunch

In the afternoon I had the thought to run a couple more miles on the treadmill Then I accidentally took a 1 hour nap. Then I went and sat outside on the patio for waaaaay too long. And then I discovered the show Pregnant in Heels, which I watched along with some Extreme Couponing. Seriously, those people do not NEED all of that stuff!!! It's insane!

Anyway, long story short I never made that run I just ended up being a lazy bum. And that was alright with me. Especially since I'd already worked my poor legs enough at Jazzercise that morning.

I did, however, have waaaay too many snacks This happens.

I had some trail mix with corn puffs, gluten free Rice Krispies, raisins, mini chocolate chips and some salted nuts. Also threw in a few rice chips. I ended up having this bag x2, and an apple with the second one.

photo 1 (12)

A little later I was craving those berries again! I had a little bowl of them:

photo 2 (14)

But that clearly wasn't satisfying enough so I had a little Greek yogurt with some more berries and Rice Krispies:

photo 3

Definitely ruined my appetite for dinner. Excessive. But there was no skipping out on that since it was Girls Night Out! Every time I go home I get together with my mom, some of her friends, and their daughters who are all around my age. We call it GNO (girls night out) and always have a blast. Last night we went to the Blue Bird Bistro, which I've reviewed a couple other times on the blog. I'm a big fan.

I didn't have my phone with me, so no picture, but I had the green curry with chicken, which is what I had last time I reviewed the bluebird! It was good, but nothing spectacular. The food was actually a little cold by the time it got to me, so that wasn't fantastic.

old photo

The company, however, was wonderful! We had a good time chatting and were lucky enough to be put upstairs in a separate room to ourselves. Either that or they could tell we were a rambunctious group and they wanted to separate us from their other diners Haha oh well. By the time I got home it was almost my bedtime, so I was wiped!


Do you get snacky when you're bored?

Are there certain people you get together with when you go back to your hometown?
