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Thursday Thoughts

published May 10, 2012

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Hey everyone! It's THURSDAY! Guess what that means?! You've almost made it to the weekend! Haha Thursday was always one of my favorite days because you're so close! Although I'm in Kansas City enjoying my break from school and work, I still have plenty of thoughts to share with you. The brain hasn't been turned off completely, just focusing on more fun things!


1. I love these bracelets that I saw on pinterest! I'm adding them to my To Do list for this summer, I'm hoping to make a few! My favorite is the teal and gold one, the second picture.

2. This is a great quote and something that I remind myself of when I think - why don't I have toned a toned stomach or back, why aren't I faster, why didn't I get better grades? Did I really put in the effort?


3. I've been DYING For a lemon bar! When I was younger they were my favorite dessert, and I found this gluten free recipe! I just might have to try it

Lemon #Yogurt Cake - #gluten-free from From

4. So pretty. So majestic.


4. I love this dress. This is the kind of thing I imagine myself wearing when I'm grown up, aka have a real job and have events to go to that would require such a lovely dress.

lace lace lace!

5. How cool is this idea? I definitely want to try it, however I'm going to have a hard time finding a sock to match my hair color

SOCK BUN!  And sock bun curls!  YAY!

6. This is a quote I say to myself whenever I'm doing anything that I start to think is too hard, or I can't complete. I definitely said it over and over again in my head during many long runs. Plus, I LOVE this movie

Think: Marathon. I LOVE this movie.

7. So remember my deep and undying love for Peeta (aka Josh Hutchinson?):


Um yea. Well I discovered he was born in 1992 which makes him younger than my little brother. And at least a year from turning 21 *sigh* Time to let go of that one. But don't worry:


and he's also a redhead. Smile



Any projects on your To Do list this summer?

What's your favorite animal? Mine are the elephant and the blue whale
