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This or That?

published May 06, 2012

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Hey everyone! I AM DONE!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!

Now I can do this:


Daydream about this

gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.

Seriously. Peeta. Call me, maybe?

Hahahahaha omg can't stop laughing, I'm so funny. If you didn't get the joke, go turn on the radio.

And plenty of this:

Since I'm celebrating and doing ZERO work, I decided a survey was necessary for today's post. I'd seen this survey on Courtney and Lindsay's blogs, and thought it would be a fun thing to do while I procrastinate studying haha. Here it goes!


Coke or Pepsi?

Most definitely diet coke. I used to love diet coke with lime. I actually don't drink it anymore because the artificial sweeteners really upset my stomach, but I used to enjoy a can every once and a while! (always a can - NEVER a plastic bottle!)

Lemonade or fruit punch?


Caramel apple or cotton candy?

Caramel apple for sure! I always get one for myself for my birthday (in October).

Butterfinger or Snickers?

Definitely snickers, butterfingers get stuck in my teeth! 

Pudding or Jello?

J-E-L-L-O! Anyone remember those commercials with Bill Cosby?!

Turkey or chicken?

Ummmm . no preference.

American or Provolone cheese?

Lol can I pick another? Gouda! I'm not a fan of processed cheese. 

Crackers or cookies? 

Hmmm I mean, I LOVE cookies, but I would more often eat crackers. I used to eat wheat thins like they were going out of style! 

 Pretzels or chips?

Hmmm probably chips. I haven't had pretzels in ages, just have't thought to buy any gluten free ones! Plus chips are best for dipping

Mexican food or Japanese food?

That's a mean question. Ahhhhh. Now I can eat mexican food much more easily, but I LOVE Japanese more, it's just hard with no soy! Although when I got sushi with Chelsey, I brought us some Coconut aminos, which is soy free and gluten free!

 Chinese food or Italian food?

Again?! Probably Chinese but I love pizza too! Italian was my favorite growing up, but I guess I've developed a weird aversion to pasta from those years of trying to diet. Time to bring some pasta back in my life!

Ice cream or cookies?

You had to ask? Really? I sat outside for over 3 hours in the cold to win free froyo for a year. Think about it.

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Pasta or pizza?

Pizza, pizza, pizza!!!!

Soda or juice?

Neither? I don't drink either, but if I had to choose I'd go with juice.

Chocolate bars or chocolate truffles?

Hmmm. Truffles if they're flavored, but I'm not a fan of all chocolate truffles - too rich!

Apples or bananas?

APPLES! I literally eat AT LEAST one apple a day. It's insane!

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Salad or soup?

Salad, love the crunch!

Cauliflower or broccoli?

BroccoliI I love it steamed or roasted!

Onion rings or french fries?

French fries! I've actually never liked onion rings, I try to but they are too greasy!

Blizzard or McFlurry?

Haha although I've probably had each about twice in my life, I'd say Blizzard. 1) because I dislike McDonalds in general, and 2) DQ's ice cream is way better.

Fried or poached eggs?

Hmmmmm probably fried? They way I fry it though, without oil or butter! Haha so it's like a flat poached egg.

 Crepes or pancakes?

PANCAKES! My dad actually would make us pancakes every Sunday morning when I was growing up! They were amazing!

Hash browns or roasted potatoes?


Oatmeal or cereal?

Again, do we have to ask? Check out my recipe page

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Your turn!!! Answer one, or more, of these questions!
