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Best Body Boot Camp-Week 1

published October 28, 2012

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Hey everyone, I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! Molly and I sure are

Now that I'm doing Tina's Best Body Boot Camp, I've decided I'm going to use my Sunday posts to re-cap my week's workouts, and then post what I'll be doing the next week. As I said, it's important to schedule your workouts, so this is a great way for me to know what I'm doing each week, reflect on the past week, and give you all some good ideas!


Monday - Monday's prescribed workout was a full body strength workout and an interval cardio workout. I started off with the intervals in the treadmill and had a blast busting them out, I hadn't done them in ages! I stayed on for an extra 6 minutes to hit 3 miles.

The hardest move for Monday's strength was the Scorpian. I couldn't do it! Well, I could do it for about 4 reps and then would proceed to fall off, my arms shaking like jello Need to work on this one.

Tuesday - As I mentioned in my Thursday Thoughts Post, Tuesday I went for an 8 mile run. We were told to do 40 min steady state cardio and planks I just extended that a bit. I knew I couldn't get in my long run this upcoming weekend and I hadn't this past weekend so I thought it was a good day to get it in. Unfortunately it really aggravated my IT band

p.s. Holy DOMS - my legs were sore when I woke up!

Wednesday - Wednesday's workout was Workout B with Intervals B. I did the intervals on the elliptical since that didn't seem to bother my knee. Then during the workout I had to modify a few things, like the back lunges, that were bothering my knee and because I didn't have a bosu ball.

Thursday - Thursday's workout was again 40 minutes of cardio and planks. Since my IT band was bothering me, I decided to keep to the elliptical omg I almost died of boredom. Somehow I survived 40 minutes on that thing, thanks to Jillian Michaels podcasts. May or may not have laughed out loud a couple times.

P.S. again, holy DOMS! My shoulders got more and more sore every time I woke up during Wed night/Thurs morning!

Friday - Switched my rest day to Friday mostly because I just never got myself to the gym. Lesson learned - go ASAP when I wake up or I won't go

Saturday - Full Body workout C with intervals. This one was fun and it felt like it went by pretty quickly!


Here are this week's workouts:


Pretty much the same, except I'll decide when the weekend comes which day I'll do my long run. I also might just do it on one of the 40 min cardio days, or on Friday I'm running with a friend so I might switch that around too. The key is to be flexible!

Have a great rest of your weekend!


Anyone else following some sort of workout/training plan?


Anyone wear a good Halloween Costume this weekend?!
