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Thursday Thoughts

published October 25, 2012

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Goooooood Morning! (afternoon/evening?) I hope you all have been having a good week! And if not, you've almost made it to the weekend! I'm super excited for this weekend because 1) I have blogger book club, 2) I'm running the Thriller Schiller 5K (still need a costume ) and 3) I'M MOLLY-SITTING!!!!! Who doesn't love a weekend full of Molly, right? Now, on to this week's Thursday Thoughts!   1. I've been wanting candy corn but I didn't want to buy a whole bag because I knew I d end up eating it all in like 2 days So I decided to beat the system and go to a bulk candy store near me. Best. Idea. Ever. I got my candy corn fix and a couple other fun candies.
photo 1 (2)
2. I got a package from Premier Protein! I couldn't eat any of the bars since they have soy protein in them, but I did take one of the drinks and left the rest of it to my brother. They're great to bring to a workout where I know I won't be able to gelt home and fuel afterwards. I tried the chocolate drink this week and it was SO GOOD! It tasted like chocolate milk! photo 1 (5)   3. I am obsessed with the Glee version of Mariah Carey's How Will I know. I literally have had it on repeat all week. Mostly because I wish I could sing that great.   4. Julie from Peanut Butter Fingers inspired me to try a lip color. I am a Cherry Chapstick girl at heart, but I wanted to give it a try. Unfortunately the one I bought is more a stain than a lipstick, but I like it!   5. On Tuesday morning I decided to go on a long run since I didn't do one this past weekend and I won't do one this upcoming weekend. It was so foggy out that the entire city was missing! Even when I got miles closer you couldn't see it! Tuesday vs. Sunny Day: photo 1 (3)photo 2 (9)   6. On that same run I finally wore my Chicago Marathon shirt! Too bad it was so foggy no one saw it haha. photo 3 (1)   7. One more - after that run I realized I'd injured my left IT band. My knee HURTS. Whenever I walk I feel it. I've been stretching and foam rolling like crazy but it's bad. Weirdly I'm not super upset probably because I don't have a marathon coming up this time! photo 2 (1)   8. Don't forget to send me your link ups if you want to participate in my book review on Monday! Dark Places by Gillian Flynn! If you don't have a blog and want to participate, either post your review in the comments section, or email it to me and if I get a reasonable number (not too many) I'll put them up in the post!     Do you wear lipstick, or just gloss/chapstick? Are you a Candy Corn fan??
