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Make a Schedule!

published October 21, 2012

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Hey everyone! I hope you're all having a good weekend! Molly wanted to show off her new blue harness. Despite the fact that it may cause people to think she's a boy, it's actually a very pretty color on her.
photo 4 (1111
She also wanted to show you her nose: photo 1 (4) I mentioned last week that I'll be participating in Tina's Best Body Bootcamp, which officially starts tomorrow! I loved it last spring and I'm looking forward to doing it again. My half-marathon training doesn't begin for a couple weeks, so it's all about boot camp right now. I'm sure you've all heard this before, but having a workout schedule and putting your workouts into your weekly calendar is key to staying committed. If you schedule your workout just like you would a meeting or a dinner date, you're more likely to stick to it. It's also great to have a plan for the week, since you're much less likely to skip a workout if you already know what you're doing. In that spirit, I wanted to share with all of you my workout schedule for this week. I always put my workouts in my google calendar, and figure out when I can do then during the day. If I remember, I'll try to do this every Sunday, that way we can all see how I manage boot camp with half training as that begins. Tina's Best Body Bootcamp is formatted with 3 strength workouts, 2 cardio workouts, 1 cardio of choice (or extra rest) day and 1 rest day. I had to switch around a few things this week to accommodate for a running date and a 5K next Sunday. Workouts oct 21 I wasn't sure where to fit in Workout C, if I'm sore from Wednesday's strength workout, then I'll plan on doing Workout C after my run on Friday morning and doing the scheduled cardio intervals on Thursday. And, as I mentioned, I'm running a 5K on Sunday! This is definitely just for fun since I've done zero speed work since the marathon, but some other awesome Chicago bloggers were participating, and I couldn't let them have all the fun! The 5K is the Thriller in Schiller and is costume optional. Although what crazy person wouldn't take full advantage of the opportunity to look crazy and run in a costume?!?! However, I have no idea what to dress up as!!! At least I have all week to figure it out   What should I dress up as for the 5K? Do you put your workouts in your calendar?
