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Thursday Thoughts

published October 11, 2012

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Good morning everyone! Another round of Thursday Thoughts before the weekend, and don't worry, not a single one is about the marathon! Haha.   1. I opened my spam folder on my blog email for the first time ever. The number of emails that began with Dear Friend was amazing. I didn't know I had so many friends! haha   2. I need to make a trip to Forever 21 (birthday present to myself?!). Looking online has gotten dangerous
Striped Shirtdress - F21
Scalloped Batik Lace Dress - F21   3. I found this article with 50 ways to improve your blog. It was overwhelming! I'll have to go through them when I get a chance!   4. I discovered this site called Wanelo (Want Need Love). But I don't get it, how are thigns so inexpensive!? Am I missing something!?!? Too good to be true. Tan Knee High Riding Boots Sparkling Lake Druzy Necklace [2987] - $12.00 : Vintage Inspired Clothing & Affordable Summer Dresses, deloom | Modern. Vintage. Crafted.   5. I love going on long walks outside. I hope it doesn't get too cold too soon, I'm loving the weather! (pin found thanks to Annette!) outside   6. Speaking of weather, I used to check the weather every single day for over a month to try and guess marathon day weather. Now I couldn't care less. Perhaps I should start checking again to make sure I don't walk outside into rain   7. I tried to be a good student yesterday by getting to school early and doing my reading. When I got there I realized I hadn't left my book in my locker like I thought I had in other words I had nothing to read. #epicfail   8. I told Molly do something cute! This was her response. Take it how you wish. photo 1 (18) 9. I went to a juice bar the other day and got a veggie juice. It was okay? Lol nothing delicious but not awful either. I don't know if I'll get into juicing anytime soon though. photo 2 (17) 10. A final thought for your day: Don't be the only thing standing in your way.   What are some of your thoughts today?!
