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Thursday Thoughts

published November 08, 2012

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Hey everyone! It's Thursday!!! Aka I just have to get through today and it's officially the weekend, which I'm looking forward to because of the Girls On the Run 5K!!! I haven't decided if I'm going to just shamefully stand at the sidelines (okay cheer ) or try to jog/walk it. I know I won't be the only walker, but we'll see Anyway, that was enough pity for today because it's going to be a GREAT day! Who's with me!?!? I've got a whopping $20 burning a hole in my pocket from a teacher's research study I participated in yesterday, so it's going to be a good one!   1. You should check out the Target Registry, liked to on Ashley's blog, for blogger Jen and her family. They lost everything in Sandy and family and friends set up the registry to help them re-build. At first I saw it and thought, other people will donate. Other people with jobs and more money than me. But you know what, I CAN donate, so I did. Obviously I got them a corkscrew. I just wish I could have sent them a bottle of wine with it too
  2. I am now obsessed with The Long Island Medium. I want to meet her! Luckily I've only lost my Great Aunt and no one else particularly close to me, but still, how cool?!?!   3. I loved this article Annette linked to on Tuesday. Several made me laugh:

3. How many calories were actually in something you already ate. You've eaten it, you're digesting it, being upset about it isn't going to make it any less retroactively delicious.

16. The fact that you cannot keep a plant in your home without murdering it. Some people were meant to grow beautiful, sprawling gardens of technicolor vegetation, and some people were meant to make flowers wilt just by looking at them. You may just be the latter.

23. That person on OKCupid who never messaged us back.

  4. I tried one of these Health Warrior Chia bars this weekend. I wasn't a huge fan the chia seeds got stuck in my teeth and it definitely didn't taste like chocolate peanut butter Wasn't awful, but wasn't great. photo 2 (13) 5. Sign up for Amanda's Holiday Booty Buster Challenge! I've already signed up and if 5 people put in my name as referring them, I could win prizes!!! It's only $25 for the whole program and here's what it basically is: CHALLENGE BASICS 2012 - Over 1,000 registrations. Over $3,000 in prizes. - Earn points for being active - Earn points for eating your fruits and veggies - Compete against others to push yourself. - Weekly reminder email to update your points, provide motivation, etc - List of all participants so you can read each others blogs or follow on twitter This year there are some fun new twists: - Private Facebook group - Tweet chat parties for support and prizes - Instagram photo sharing #bestfoot - A chance to ask experts like Deena Kastor (yes the Olympian!)to answer your questions HBBC2012-Option2   6. My birthday party this weekend was pretty fun, I haven't been out drinking and dancing in a long time. The place we went to dance has a strobe light on the dance floor, which I LOVE. Whenever it comes on you automatically look like a better dancer. Photo courtesy of Chelsey. photo 5 (9) 7. I have been listening to Call Me Maybe non-stop for 2 days. WHY??? Maybe I'm in need of something upbeat? I was sitting by a guy on the bus last night and I saw he was listening to country (LOVE) then I realized my phone showed I was listening to Call Me Maybe No wonder guys don't talk to me. 8. We've had problems over the last year in my building with people stealing packages, so I get them sent to my brother's. Well, my friend wanted to send me something but wrote on the envelope to warn off any thieves: photo (5) I about died laughing. Love her. 9. I haven't had frozen yogurt in over a week. I think there's something wrong with me. Or I'm too busy/injured/cold to walk 1.7 miles to my froyo place purely for froyo . 10. Chelsey and I are obsessed with Siri. I have her calling me Your Royal Highness. I also got her to sing to me this morning. photo photo (1) Happy Thursday!   If you have an iPhone, what's the weirdest thing you've gotten Siri to do? What's your favorite show/song right now?   **Don't forget to join the Holiday Booty Buster Challenge and use me as your referral AND try and donate to Jen's registry!!!**

published November 08, 2012

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