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I Did It!

published May 20, 2013

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In the words of Elle Woods: I DID IT!
Graduations are always times in our lives that we get a little reflective: a chapter in our lives closes, people grow apart and our routine is turned upside down. Change is barreling towards us whether we like it or not and we're forced back outside of our comfort zones, which we'd spent the past few years establishing. Although I've spent the past week reflecting on the years that have past and anticipating the unknown that is ahead, this weekend was all about celebrating. Celebrating the end of a hard three years, our success for making it through law school, and the people who supported us through it all. I can't believe this all started only three years ago, I feel like it just flew by! 163802_10100325302657680_3224185_n

Section B - end of first semester

I'm so proud of myself for what I've done of the past three years, how I've changed and grown as a person. There are many things I would have done differently, but then again I wouldn't be who I am today without all of my experiences. I wouldn't be as appreciative of all the good in life if I didn't have mistakes to learn from. I also want to say thank you. Thank you to my readers for encouraging me and helping me grow as a blogger and as a person. Thank you to my friends and family for loving me, supporting me, advising me and making this all worthwhile. photo 1 (8) And finally, thank you to my fellow Section members (and those of you from A & C cool enough to hang out with us). Thank you for being Section B and all the awesomeness that you were (yes, I just graduated law school and used the word awesomeness ). I would never have made it through that first year without all of you: your enthusiasm, your creativity and your support. 167268_718877317131_1579780_n I know everyone says this, but I hope we're all able to stay in touch. I mean come on now, what would our lives be without a yearly blow-out put on by our ringleader, Bridget? Or random evenings of drinking in the school lobby? Perhaps we'd have to move those elsewhere I can't imagine Chicago without all of you. Let's start planning a post-Bar Exam party, yes? gradcollage I had a great weekend celebrating with friends and family, but now I need a nap! Or a week Too bad bar prep starts this morning!   Anyone else have a big weekend? Anyone else going through a big change in their life?
