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Picking a Direction After Law School

published October 13, 2014

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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A. Harrison Barnes
Harrison Barnes
There's a lot of pressure these days to land "the job of your dreams" when you graduate. The truth is, almost no job right out of school is anybody's definition of a good dream. If it were, half of all new associates at large law firms wouldn't be changing jobs within first three years of graduation!

Let's be realistic. The most you can expect from your first job is to find a place where you can hone the skills you like to use, and learn what you need to learn to develop-over time-a rewarding career. Accomplishing this is not only a lot easier, but more realistic, when you take the time to figure out what skills you prefer to use and what positions match your natural abilities.

Here are three simple questions that will help you identify an initial career direction:

Are you drawn to people, or to data and ideas? In general, you'll find more of a people-orientation on the plaintiff's side of personal injury; in criminal advocacy; in family, elder, immigration, employment and sports law; and in general practice. If you gravitate toward data and ideas, you'll be suited to such areas as insurance defense and coverage, bankruptcy, intellectual property, environmental and health law, commercial transactions, tax, and real estate.

Are you motivated to solve problems or analyze problems? "Problem-solvers" prefer the concrete, relatively short-term projects in elder law, adoption, small business representation, simple estate planning, criminal law, guardianship, and general practice. "Analyzers" like the complicated, large-scale projects readily found in environmental law, commercial transactions, complex litigation, trusts and intellectual property.

Do you want to do more writing or more talking? Thriving in the library or when you prepare class notes is a good clue that you tend to writing. Preferring to learn through study groups or loving moot court and clinical education classes means you're happier when you're talking. At the beginning of your legal career, you won't do much talking except in general practice, criminal or quasi-criminal advocacy, or litigation in a mid-size or small law firm. Later in your career, it will be hard to concentrate on writing unless you choose appellate work, insurance coverage, intellectual property, or complex business transactions.

By the time you finish just this simple analysis, you'll have identified several areas of law that suit you. That knowledge alone will replace the fantasy of a dream job with a concrete and realistic career direction.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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