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Should a Student Earn Their Master’s Degree before Enrolling in Law School?

published June 12, 2014

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We asked attorneys and other professionals if a student should earn their Master's degree before enrolling in law school. Although a Master's degree isn't a prerequisite to law school, some individuals thought it would be beneficial while others thought it would be too costly. What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below the article.

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I don't believe it is essential to attain a Master's before attending law school. I do believe the Master's keeps your mind fresh for the analytical and logical reasoning that is required during law school; but that may be the extent of its helpfulness. Law school is such a strange beast that a Masters in any kind of profession is more like a resume boost than an actual help when you're being called on to cite case law during class!

-Ciara L. Vesey

I am an M&A associate at a large international law firm in Houston, Texas. I work with a number of MBAs, tax LLMs and individuals with other Master's backgrounds and have witnessed the benefits that an advanced technical degree can provide in corporate practice. These individuals often exhibit a mastery of substantive deal issues that put them in a league apart from attorneys lacking such background.

-Clay Brett

Where many schools offer dual degree programs and many of the topics in the two programs overlap, it makes sense to find a school offering a dual enrollment. In my case I got an MS in Real Estate and then a JD. Classes like Contracts, Zoning, Property Law, Bankruptcy, Tax Law, and Investment Analysis are common to both programs. Law school was easier because I had a Master's level background in the law courses, but a year less tuition and time would have made more sense. Where so many attorneys do not find the practice of law satisfying and many end up in executive business positions, a Master's degree in business, urban planning, insurance, taxation, operations management, real estate or other business discipline opens opportunities that might not otherwise be available or take many years to develop the skills and knowledge to be considered as a CEO, CFO, or CIO.

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-Bruce Ailion,
ATL Investors, LLC
RE/MAX Greater Atlanta
An Atlanta Real Estate Expert Serving Clients Since 1979
The Linked In REALTOR

A prospective law student is aptly prepared for the challenge of law school with the sole preparation of a Bachelor of Arts degree. The basics of critical reasoning, persuasive writing and library research are all skills that most students should possess after a 4 year undergraduate study. Moreover, the cost of a law degree would be prohibitive if a student was required to obtain a Master's degree as a prerequisite to attending law school.

-Matthew Reischer, CEO,
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