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Former Fresno Attorney Goes to Prison over DUI Crash

published March 28, 2014

By Author - LawCrossing
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A former Fresno attorney who once had run for the office of the Fresno County District Attorney has been sentenced to 16 months in prison for fleeing the scene after a DUI collision in June 2012. The downfall of Colin Jon Kooyumjian is a classic example of how, losing emotional control can result in the destruction of a good professional.

According to records, Kooyumjian lost to Elizabeth Egan for the District Attorney's office in the 2002 general election. Somehow, unable to suffer defeat, the lawyer, who was known as bright and professional, slipped into a life of substance abuse and alcohol abuse, ultimately leading to his disbarment in 2010.

In this recent trial, his financial situation was so insubstantial that Judge Jonathan Skiles of the Fresno County Superior Court declared the Kooyumjian, 46, was unable to pay for the services of the county public defender. Judge Skiles also declared that Kooymjian was not in a situation to pay any restitution to the victim of the car collision for which he was being sentenced.

The judge sentenced the attorney to 16 months in prison and a six-month first-offender alcohol program, as he has two prior felony convictions for drug possession.

Court documents reveal that at the time of the car crash, from which he fled, Kooyumjian had a blood alcohol level of .25, or more than three times the legal limit for driving. The victim suffered major injuries to her hand requiring surgery.

Kooyumjian had campaigned against in Egan in 2002 with the promise that as an outsider with integrity, he was the right candidate to bring back the dignity of the office of the District Attorney by replacing longtime District Attorney Ed Hunt. Kooyumjian placed fourth out of five candidates in the primary and went downhill from there.

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published March 28, 2014

By Author - LawCrossing
( 125 votes, average: 4 out of 5)
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