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Kruza Legal Search

published February 21, 2023

By Follow Me on

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Kruza Legal Search
Professional Overview

Steven Kruza owns and runs Kruza Legal Search, a legal search firm based in Philadelphia, PA. Kruza Legal Search is a family operated business established in 1980. They have an exceptional track record placing high-level legal professionals in law firms and corporate legal departments throughout the United States. KLS specializes in placing associates, partners, of counsel, in-house candidates, paralegals and administrative support staff in the Mid-Atlantic region. KLS has also made placements in Washington, D.C.; New York; Pittsburgh; Denver among other locations.

Prior to joining Kruza Legal Search, Steven was an IT search consultant firm in New York. He recruited for a wide range of industries including e-commerce, software development, and financial services. When he joined Kruza Legal Search in 2001, he established the firm's attorney search division. Steven has broad experience placing associates, of counsel, partner, and in-house candidates.

Steven was raised in Haver town, PA. He holds a dual degree in Marketing and Management from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. He has been married for nine years and has two children.

When the he isn't working, Steven loves spending time with his family and friends. He also enjoys golf, baseball, football, playing guitar and piano, dining out, and traveling. Steven is an avid reader of music biographies. He is currently reading Robert Hilburn's Johnny Cash: The Life.

Steven's Successful Career Path and Tips for Legal Recruiters

Does Steven have a top memory from business school? He recalled a group business case study project regarding the Boeing Company and Airbus. Steven gave a presentation focused on business strategy.

What does it take to become a successful legal recruiter? Steven noted that a successful legal recruiter should be hungry and competitive. He emphasized that a recruiter must develop long-term relationships with his/her candidates and clients. Steven also pointed out that a successful recruiter will be patient.

What motivated him to work as a recruiter? Steven explained that his mother operated Kruza Legal Search's paralegals and administrative support staff business during the 1980's. While working as an IT recruiter in New York City when the September 11 attacks devastated the city, Steven decided to take a new career direction and start a placement business using his mother's successful recruiting business as a platform.

What advice would he give to someone who's brand-new to his position? Steven advises new recruiters to work hard and focus on establishing long-term relationships with candidates and clients. He acknowledged that his long-term relationships have earned him a reputation as a trustworthy legal recruiter.

What's one of the things that Steven finds most challenging about his job? "The biggest challenge is for your candidates and clients to know that you're adding value. I am at my best when I engage a client that really relies on us throughout the process."

What would he say is the most important thing that he has learned as a legal recruiter? "One of the things that I have learned from this business is that it's a marathon, not a sprint. Recruiters must learn this. Otherwise, they won't make it."

What is Steven known for professionally? He admitted that he is known for being professional, honest and easy to work with. "You need to be pleasant because this is a stressful time in people's lives. They are looking for a job."

What makes a great candidate? "The best candidates can articulate clearly what their goals are."

Does he have a recipe for a perfect match? The recruiter claimed, "There is no recipe for a perfect match." Steven continued to say that he finds candidates whose credentials mesh with his clients' standards. He also noted that his candidates' cultural values have to be shared with his clients in order to make the right placement.

Steven discussed his strengths and one weakness as a recruiter. He asserted that he creates employment opportunities for his candidates, and he likes to think outside the box. As for his weakness, Steven is working on not taking on too many searches at one time. He believes his candidates will benefit from his service if he isn't spread too thin.

Since Steven has been operating his business for thirteen years, many readers may want to know where he sees the legal recruiting field in the next five years. "The legal recruiting industry will continue to evolve and the quality of recruiters will continue to improve. Successful recruiters will stay ahead of trends and figure out how they are going to find the best candidates for their clients."

Where does he see the legal field in the next five years? "Continued merge activity amongst large firms and an increasing number of sophisticated smaller law firms."

What motivates Steven to be a legal recruiter everyday? "I am competitive and I don't want to lose. I want to be the best recruiter. If I wasn't competitive, I wouldn't be in this business."

Has he learned something of value from his mistakes? "I learned that my mistakes are more valuable than my successes because you learn from your mistakes. You hone your craft by eliminating your mistakes."

Where does Steven derive his confidence? "I derive my confidence from making successful placements. I am not faking the funk. I am actually doing it."

Professional Associations, Running a Successful Business During a Recession, Non-Profit Organizations, Being Motivated by His Mother and Colleagues and Favorite Quote

Steven is a member of the National Association of Legal Search Consultants (NALSC), a voluntary organization of legal recruiters that adhere to the highest ethical standards in the profession. He is also a member of the MS Society, Tavistock Country Club, and the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce.

Has he faced any obstacles? Steven said he was able to successfully run his business during the recession. "You can't be overwhelmed with the economy; you have to focus on doing what needs to be done one day at a time."

Is Steven involved with any non-profit organizations? He supports the MS Society, a United States-based non-profit organization that helps individuals affected by Multiple Sclerosis. The MS Society funds cutting-edge research, facilitates professional education, drives change through advocacy, and provides programs and services that assist individuals with MS and their families move their lives forward. Steven supports Heart of Camden, a community-based organization that is devoted to revitalizing the Waterfront South neighborhood through affordable housing, family, and youth services. He also is involved with Philabundance, the region's largest food bank and hunger relief organization.

Who are the people that inspired him? "My mother has inspired me as well as other mentors who weren't afraid to share their values as a legal recruiter."

Steven's favorite quote is by Benjamin Franklin: "Drive thy Business, or it will drive thee."

Being a Mentor, a Rewarding Position and Steven's Goals

Is Steven a mentor? "I am currently mentoring a recruiter. Friends and colleagues ask me for advice at various times."

Does he find his position rewarding? "Yes. It's rewarding for me to create matches that didn't exist. I enjoy asking the right questions that lead to matches."

Does Steven have goals? "Personally, I will continue to be the best husband, father, and friend I can be. Professionally, I would like to grow our business."

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