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Trademark Paralegal Jobs

published August 23, 2013

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Trademark paralegals are responsible for the administrative and support tasks associated with trademark application and litigation. Trademark law is an absolutely vital service in the 21st century. This is the information age, and although real property, such as currency and real estate, can be physically protected, intellectual property is vulnerable to misappropriation. Ideas, words, and images cannot be protected by vaults or banks, and so must be protected by the law. A trademark paralegal defends his client's best ideas from inappropriate use, working at all times to protect the originator's best interest.

An application for trademark can be a long and complicated process. The job of the trademark paralegal is to accompany the client throughout the application process. Trademark paralegals work under the auspices of a trademark attorney, doing most of the work necessary to complete the application. The skills needed to succeed as a trademark paralegal are specialized, requiring unique training. Most trademark paralegals are compensated at a higher rate than standard paralegals.

A trademark paralegal must have very strong executive skills. Trademark applications generate a significant amount of paperwork and documentation, which must be collected and organized efficiently. An individual filing system is often required for each individual application, ensuring that necessary forms and information are easy to retrieve and reference. A good trademark paralegal will create a deep index of all materials associated with a trademark application, including details of the origin, status, location, and current use of every document.

Research is an important part of every trademark paralegal's responsibilities. This research may be to support trademark litigation or applications, and can involve a wide variety of tasks. A trademark paralegal may be required to do the following on behalf of their supervising attorney: draft and file trademark applications and litigation, act as point of contact between client, attorney, and trademark offices, answering questions for clients and trademark office staff, maintaining deadlines, managing all communications between offices, and follow-up on any tasks as needed. Maintaining a good relationship with clients and trademark office staff members is an important skill to acquire for any successful trademark paralegal.

Trademark paralegals may find themselves working at a wide variety of tasks indirectly associated with their attorney's offices, including processing mail, answering telephones, creating new client accounts and maintaining client files, maintaining calendars and contacts, and monthly billing. Reliable completion of general secretarial tasks is a necessary part of every trademark paralegal's job description.

In order to become a trademark paralegal you must first complete training as a standard paralegal. There are standalone paralegal training tracks, as well as on-the-job training available with some associated attorney's offices. Trademark law is complex and ever changing, and so extensive additional training is needed in order to become a trademark paralegal. Most trademark attorneys will require five years previous experience in the field, as well as proficiency with Microsoft Office, docketing software, database management, and contact management systems. A full trained and qualified trademark paralegal will be in high demand in the field, and can expect generous compensation for their experience and skill.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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