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What the Role of A Deputy Court Clerk Is Like

published February 16, 2013

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Deputy court clerks are experts on pleadings and filing procedures. Many times an attorney will call a court clerk for advice on how to file a document because of the clerk's expertise. Deputy court clerks are not supposed to give such advice to the general public because to do so could constitute the unauthorized practice of law. They gain invaluable expertise regarding filing requirements, setting hearings, investigation of archived cases, and general know-how regarding courthouse operation and procedure.
What the Role of A Deputy Court Clerk Is Like

The Right Stuff

Experience as a deputy court clerk is most valuable, even though the work is paper-intensive. Deputy court clerks perform work similar to that of a legal secretary, legal administrator, and legal secretary. They must have excellent organizational skills with paperwork and file maintenance, and should be able to repeat similar tasks. They should be computer proficient with some writing skills and must develop a high wrist-to-finger speed to process paper work. Although continuing education could be beneficial, it is not required in order to work as a deputy court clerk and move through the hierarchical rank of clerks. Deputy court clerks must be able to effectively deal with the general public through active listening skills and dealing with angry or unpleasant people in conflict situations. They should also know the statutory requirements of their positions.

What Deputy Court Clerks Do
  • A deputy court clerk supports the court clerk's administrative functions to ensure the efficient operation of the court as prescribed by statute.
  • Deputy court clerks work in different divisions of a courthouse such as civil, criminal, traffic, probate, juvenile and deprived children, protective orders, front offices, small claims, domestic, licensing, cost administration and budgeting, accounting, microfilm, records and archives, as well as others. Tasks and informational knowledge required as a deputy court clerk vary to some extent, depending on which division a court clerk is assigned to.
  • Some deputy court clerks double as "floaters" to assist judges when their support staff is unavailable. The main responsibilities of deputy court clerks include communicating with the public and attorneys regarding filing requirements, and ensuring that all documents presented in per son, via fax, or through the mail are file stamped. They must then file, organize, and maintain all case records and enter data into the computer systems. Deputy court clerks may also research cases to provide information to the public and maintain receipts and other accounting ledgers.


Records that are kept by deputy court clerks may include case files, receipts, appearance dockets and indexes, general indexes, journal records, motion, hearing, disposition and trial dockets, juror attendance, claims and fee records, search warrants, and child support registries. They may certify and authenticate court documents. Deputy court clerks make sure the public has access to all records, except those under protective seal or specifically excluded from the public domain by statute. Records that are typically not subject to disclosure are those on adoption, juvenile and children cases, mental health cases, guardianship cases, and wills filed for safekeeping. Deputy court clerks may prepare reports regarding general statistical information, bail bonds, licensing to tax commissions, unclaimed property, dispute resolutions, convictions, law library, indigent defense, D.U.I., and court funds, as well as others.

What the Job Is Really Like

Deputy court clerks generally work a standard business day and 40-hour workweek with one-hour lunch breaks. Their workdays are hectic and require excellent organizational skills to handle the paperwork. Once a deputy court clerk becomes the head of a department, his or her typical day includes supervision of employees and ensuring their adequate performance, and taking problem calls.

Getting In and Moving Up

Deputy court clerk positions are available in city and county courthouses and with the federal government. Every city and county, and the United States government has its own guidelines and procedures for handling employment applications. Many have job hotlines that state positions available for which they seek candidates. By informing the Court Clerk’s office that you would like to work, you can be directed to the proper employment office that will provide you with an application. Applications should be typewritten according to the format requested. Generally, you will need to state the position for which you are applying, along with related job codes. Applications should be prepared in a way that will show you possess the right stuff described in this article. At the interview, be personable and likeable and demonstrate your efficiency and reliability and you will do well.

Once you are hired by a government entity, you will likely receive more consideration for promotional opportunities than candidates who are not currently in the employ of the government. You should pay particular attention to job opening announcements, if you are interested in promotions or other employment opportunities. If you begin your employment with a city, you may want to seek opportunities with the county or the federal government where salaries are higher.

A Few Key Points to Remember
  • Deputy court clerk positions are available in city, county, and federal courthouses, and with the federal government.
  • As a deputy court clerk, you will likely receive stable and secure employment with better benefits than those offered by nongovernment employers. o Deputy court clerks must be able to deal with the general public and possess high wrist-to-finger speed to process mounds of paperwork, along with having the mental stamina to repeat tasks.
  • As a general rule, earnings are highest with the federal government, then the state, county, and municipalities, and the larger the population in your area, the higher your salary will likely be.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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