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Nancy Grimes Believes In the Team

published September 04, 2012

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Nancy Grimes of Grimes Legal, Inc.
Nancy Grimes is a legal recruiter who established Grimes Legal, Inc. in 1986. GLI has become a respected and one of the most successful international legal recruitment firms in the world. Nancy was born in Iowa, and is very proud of her Midwestern roots. Her father was a marine and he came from Czechoslovakia. Because of her father's life career in the marine corps, her family bounced around to various states and finally wound up in Southern California near Camp Pendleton. Nancy 's mother was Scotch Irish and is also proud of her Irish ancestry and believes they, and she, can be fiery at times. Her father taught and expected discipline and she accredited her mom for encouraging her that she “can do anything.” That is the way it has been with Nancy and her mantra has been “anything is possible.” The Midwesterner enjoys eating that good ole Southern fried chicken and corn on the cob, and when she isn’t eating in her kitchen, Nancy loves to chow down at her favorite restaurant which serves Mama’s Home Cooking.

The legal recruiter embraces a sense of adventure and said that "You have to throw yourself into life." And so Nancy can hang glide and gets a thrill from racing four wheelers. While attending Chapman College, the Midwesterner was musically gifted. She played the oboe, saxophone, clarinet, piano, and had a passion for jazz and loved competition, whether it was in parade competitions or ensembles. Nancy participated in the choir and community orchestra. When the legal recruiter isn’t taking guitar lessons, she’ll be watching a University of Kentucky basketball game, rooting for Big Blue Nation and expecting them to win.

Nancy Grimes’ Key Tips for a Successful Recruiter

What does it take to become a successful legal recruiter? Nancy ardently stated it takes “Absolute passion and unvarnished love for people.” The straightforward recruiter added that in the legal industry it’s all about “working” and giving great “service to others. It’s all about them.”

When asked what motivated her to become a recruiter, the oboist said she loves “mobilizing the human potential” and assists individuals to become “great and recognize unlimited possibility.”

As a matter of principle, she expects the most of herself. She quoted, "you have to bring your best game...every day! You owe it to the people you serve." Nancy works harder, anticipates obstacles, plans strategies and then overcomes them and executes for the win.

So what is Nancy known for? She has won many awards for personal production and being either the "first" or "the tops" in recruiting. She admitted she had a knack for strategically getting her candidates to their destination and dream. The recruiter noted that so many law school and business graduates forget that fresh attitude that they can conquer the world, or, that that they can personally change it. Nancy gets them to focus and gets them dreaming again and challenges them to reach for their goals and together she and her candidates work together to get them placed and on track with companies which can help them accomplish their goals. This Midwesterner is also known for “leading and not following.” She is recognized for teaching law firms to work with recruiters and has been doing so ever since recruiting was in its infancy. She is part of helping to weave the thread of the fabric of recruiting.

Nancy ’s global recruiting network has placed individuals in major cities, such as New York , Boston , and Toronto . When her business, like most, during the greatest recession in 2009 hit, she saw it as an opportunity, not as a roadblock. When scores of attorneys were out of work, many of her competition cut and ran from the recruiting profession, she embraced the challenge and used it as a way to up her game. Instead of cashing in her recruiting chips, she helped her company advance globally in order to expand the playing field and capture opportunities no longer available in the United States . As a result, Nancy is very pleased to have arrived in places like China, Spain and Mexico and has placed candidates in all these locations. The recruiter emphasized “wherever opportunities are located, that is where we are working.” She acknowledged GLI goes where people need you. Nancy said, “Its how you build a robust business.” Whether it’s opening branch offices around the globe or placing a candidate in the precise location; GLI will always serve their client’s needs.

This Midwesterner was asked if she learned anything from her mistakes. The successful recruiter advised, “You better learn from your mistakes or you will not be in business for very long.” Nancy continued to stress that if “you don’t like the result, change the action.” Rather than putting the blame on your circumstances or on someone or something else, Nancy analyzes the mistake, looks for the precise moment of breakdown and then maps out a strategy for the win the next time around.

That wasn’t Nancy ’s only recommendation to new recruiters. The business woman informed new recruiters to join the industry only for the right reasons. She stated, “Don’t go in it for the money.” Nancy pointed out that you should become a recruiter to help people reach their goals and aspirations. The recruiter added, “Money comes as a result of doing a great job.” Nancy quipped that in life the more you put into it, the more you are apt to get out of it. She advised new recruiters to jump in, learn the fundamentals and do what is required of you more often than others and the results will yield uncommon success!

Where does Nancy see herself in five years? The Iowan repeated her mantra, “Anything is possible, who knows.” The recruiter firmly believes you should “dream you can achieve and know no boundaries.” She doesn’t think you should restrict yourself to specific goals or guidelines and that they should be periodically reviewed and adjusted. Nancy wants you to reach for “the moon and stars.”

Nancy has faced many obstacles in her life, but one of the most challenging hurdles she had to overcome was losing her voice for two years. Although Nancy never smoked, she sounded like someone who had done so for many years. Imagine being a recruiter and losing your voice! She checked into Vanderbilt Hospital , where professional musicians have gone to correct their vocal cords and eventually tried acupuncture and afterwards, she “sobbed like a baby.” Nancy claimed the treatment “opened up energy in her body and healed her vocal chords.” She attributes being open minded, even desperate for a cure which led her to discover this non-conventional treatment. She came out of that experience very humble and appreciative.

Major Influences in Nancy’s Life

Nancy has reached out to some of the most influential and powerful women for advice. The recruiter recalled a conversation she had with Mrs. Hillary Clinton, who is currently serving the United States as Secretary of State. Nancy called the former first lady amazing and believes she is an example for other women to look up to. The business woman also regards Condoleezza Rice in the highest esteem. Nancy described Condoleezza as a strong woman who has no boundaries. She strives to be like Hillary and Condoleezza.

Two other influences in Nancy ’s life are her grade school teacher, Mrs. Newlove and her husband, GD. The recruiter caught hepatitis while she attended sixth grade and couldn’t play when she went back to school. Mrs. Newlove believed in Nancy and supported her during her illness and showed her a better and different way of life. To this day Nancy carries this inspirational person's picture in her wallet. It is a constant reminder of where she came from and like the American dream, that you are only limited as to what you think you can achieve. Nancy ’s beloved spouse, GD, has also cared for her. The recruiter described her husband as “tremendously charismatic” and compared him to “The Great Communicator,” Ronald Regan. She attributed her husband as a Southern gentleman who fell in love with her and their relationship has “flowered” every since they met. Nancy is convinced that much of her accomplishments came as a result of the constant, unconditional love of her husband who believed in and supported her.

Volunteer Activities

When Nancy isn’t working, she devotes most of her time at church. She has served as a member of the Board of Foundation Christian Academy and has taught Sunday school. She has also served on the committee which invited Mike Huckabee and then Oliver North as honorable guests to speak at their annual dinner to help raise money for and retire debt for the school.

The recruiter recalled a story from one of her Sunday school pupils, James David. James, who respects his teacher so much, he calls her Miss Nancy, approached his mentor one day after they had studied the 10 Commandments. Reflective, he said, Miss Nancy, " I know one of the commandments that just about everybody breaks." Curious, Miss Nancy asked him. "Which one do you think that is? James David replied, " Why it is Number 7, which is thou shalt not commit adultery." Worried about his choice and why of all things that #7 was the one everybody breaks. So Miss Nancy asked James David just exactly why he thought that this was so? James said, “Well, because, just about everybody grows up.” Miss Nancy being relieved, laughed and then advised her student to seek more details through discussion with this his parents.

Loving Animals and a Quote to Live By

Nancy through the years has had many pets such as camels, miniature donkeys and goats, lamas, alpaca, and horses. During Christmas, the recruiter creates a nativity scene with her adored animals. She respects the legendary basketball coach, John Wooden, and lives by his quote: “The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team.” That’s why Nancy has been very successful as a recruiter; and why she views her clients and candidates, as well as herself, as a team. The business woman is currently focusing on her next business, Grimes Breakthrough, a career consulting firm. She says the relationships, businesses, and connections she’s made throughout these many years always comes back in spades. Nancy 's career is a mirror of how she tries to live her life and constantly tries to apply the golden rule of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

published September 04, 2012

By Follow Me on
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