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Epstein Becker Hired by Fox News in Fight Against Gawker

published April 16, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

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Epstein Becker Hired by Fox News in Fight Against Gawker

Fox News Channel is using the services of Epstein Becker to stop Gawker from using material obtained from Joe Muto. Muto is the “Fox Mole” who was publishing embarrassing information about Fox News Channel on Gawker but was sniffed out and fired quickly last week.

But not before Muto managed to grab and pass on some videos which he thinks shows the channel in a bad light. In one of the videos, Sean Hannity and Mitt Romney are talking before the show starts. Romney is shown talking about what kind of horses he prefers, which is meant to show how elitist he is. Muto has also taken photos of the bad shape that Fox News restrooms are in.

Gawker has gotten a letter from Epstein Becker partner Ronald Green in which it is stated at the top: Not for publication, but Gawker still went ahead and published the letter in full on its website. Gawker is supposed to have paid Muto around $5000 for the material.

Muto has also received a letter from Epstein Becker in which he is threatened with admitting to criminal and civil wrongdoing and likely to be pursued for further investigation.
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