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Mintz Levin

published December 30, 2011

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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The firm was founded in 1933 by Haskell Cohn and Benjamin Levin, former Harvard Law School classmates. Today, the firm boasts 500 attorneys who represent clients in a broad range of industries including life sciences and biotechnology, energy and clean technology, telecommunications and media, financial services and insurance, health care, real estate and construction, and retail and consumer products. Businesses and others rely on the firm for its client specific industry knowledge in both traditional and cutting-edge practice areas.

The firm is guided by the question: “How can we ensure that we address all of the immediate needs of the client while delivering long-term benefits to the organization and its business as a whole?” In an effort to provide each client with the best service possible, Mintz Levin considers each client's unique needs and when necessary, assembles cross-disciplinary teams, either nationally or internationally, to address the issue at hand.

Furthermore, the firm works to coordinate client's non-legal needs with their legal needs, through the establishment of its affiliated consulting practices, ML Strategies LLC and Mintz Levin Financial Advisors. These affiliates provide consulting services in government relations, PR, project management, and wealth management.

Mintz Levin's primary practice areas consist of antitrust and federal regulation; bankruptcy, restructuring, and commercial law; communications; consulting services; consumer product safety; corporate and securities; education; employment, labor, and benefits; environmental law; government law; health law; immigration; intellectual property; international; Israel; litigation; privacy and security; private client; public finance; real estate; and tax.

The firm is widely recognized for its commitment to pro bono work. In fact, Mintz Levin received the American Bar Association's (ABA) Pro Bono Publico Award last year for its “outstanding commitment to volunteer legal services” in Massachusetts where its work led to the passing of a historic sexual assault, stalking, and harassment law.

As a signatory to the Pro Bono Institute's Pro Bono Challenge, the law firm encourages it attorneys to donate their services to the community. The firm recently took on a pro bono partner who is responsible for managing the firm's pro bono efforts, chairing the Pro Bono Committee, and supplying training for associates in connection with pro bono work. While Mintz Levin's pro bono efforts center around the fight against domestic violence by providing assistance to victims and their children, it has also worked in a range of other areas including political asylum, immigration, affordable housing, homelessness, human rights, children's health, civil rights, environmental protection, and more.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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