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Creighton University School of Law

published December 06, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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Creighton University School of Law opened its doors in 1904 with 23 students in its inaugural class and 31 practicing attorneys who volunteered their time and knowledge as faculty members. Today, the law school has 480 students, nearly 30 full-time faculty members, and 40 adjunct and part-time professors.

As a small school, faculty members are able to offer personal guidance to students on a number of levels. This is further supported by an open door policy that enables students to seek out faculty members at any time, rather than during select office hours.

The law school's concentration offerings include business law, criminal law and procedure, international and comparative law, and litigation.

Every other year, Creighton University School of Law offers a constitutional law seminar course that is taught by US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, as well as two Creighton law professors.

Externship opportunities are available to students within city, county, federal, and non-profit legal offices. Practical experience is also accessible through the Milton R. Abrahams Legal Clinic and the Community Economic Development Clinic, both of which are located on the law school campus. Summer grants are also provided to select students who opt to work in an area of public interest.

Creighton University School of Law publishes two student led journals: the Creighton Law Review and the Creighton International and Comparative Law Journal (CICLJ). The Creighton Law Review, which was founded in 1967, functions to enlighten, educate, and serve the legal community with a focus on issues of direct importance to Nebraska and the Eighth Circuit. The CICLJ was founded in 2010 and published its first edition in the spring of 2011. The journal, which is only published in electronic sources, encourages exploration of international law.

The Career Development Office serves students and alumni through a range of career-related services, both within and outside of the legal realm.

Students are also encouraged to explore the nearly 30 student organizations within the law school. These include the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, the Business Law Society, the Environmental Law Society, the Moot Court Board, the Public Interest Forum, and many others.

Creighton University School of Law is led by Dean Marianne B. Culhane. She officially took on the position of law school dean in 2010 but served as the interim dean from 2007 to 2008. She has worked at the school since 1977 and teaches banking law, debtor-creditor relations, secured transactions, and select commercial topics. Culhane graduated magna cum laude from the University of Iowa. She earned her bachelor's degree from Carleton College, where she graduated cum laude.
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