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Proskauer Denies Discrimination Claims Against It By Former CFO

published November 15, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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Proskauer Denies Discrimination Claims Against It By Former CFO

A former chief of Proskauer Rose filed a suit against it claiming that after she returned to work following her breast cancer treatment, she was demoted and then fired because of her age, gender and a supposed disability. The firm has requested the New York state court judge to dismiss this $10 million lawsuit brought against it. Proskauer refuses the claims wedged against it by Rosenthal and requests to award attorneys' fees and legal expenses incurred as a result of the suit. Kathleen McKenna, one of Proskauer's New York labor and employment partners is advising the firm on the case. Rosenthal is represented by David Sanford of Sanford Wittels & Heisler.
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