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Center for Career & Professional Development at Liberty Law

published November 14, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing
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J. Matt Barber, the Associate Dean at the Center for Career & Professional Development, has been with the law school since 2008. Prior to that, he was the Policy Director for Cultural Issues with Concerned Women for America, the nation’s largest public policy organization for women. He also served as the press secretary for a 2006 gubernatorial candidate, spent three years as a law enforcement officer, functioned as a corporate fraud investigator for five years, and spent 12 years in the Army National Guard.

Barber, also a freelance writer, has had his columns published in newspapers and online publications including the Washington Examiner, the Washington Times, Insight magazine, and others. He has been a guest on numerous talk radio programs and networks, as well as on news shows on Fox, MSNBC, and CNN.

Barber holds a JD from Regent University School of Law, a MA in Public Policy from Regent University Robertson School of Government, and a BS in Organizational Management from Colorado Christian University. He also serves as an adjunct assistant professor of law.

The Director of Career Services, Elizabeth Moreno, was both a Liberty student and the parent of a Liberty student before she ever joined the university’s staff. The South Florida native initially served the university in the role of a financial aid advisor, beginning in 2005.

In addition to her current job in the Center for Career & Professional Development, Moreno also works for Central Health as a Spanish interpreter. In the past, she has provided Spanish and sign language interpreter services for the Veteran’s Administration and the VA Hospital, local county government offices, and corporate offices for high profile companies such as IBM, Carnival Cruise Line, John Hancock, and others.

Prior to joining the Center for Career & Professional Development, Moreno spent 14 years teaching as an elementary school teacher. During that time, she also taught various adult courses, including English as a Second Language, sign language, and Early Childhood Certification Training. She also spent five years with a United Way agency in the position of job placement specialist/employability skills trainer. In this position, she worked with educators and employers in the various areas of job training, development, and placement.

Moreno holds an AA and a BS in education, as well as an MA in human services.

The office’s administrative program assistant, Kelsey LeBel, is a graduate of Liberty University. She holds a BS in religion, specializing in women’s ministry, and a minor in intercultural studies. Before joining the Center for Career & Professional Development, LeBel served as the Event and Placement Coordinator at the Liberty University Career Center.
