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Integreon Launches Dedicated Document Review Center in Washington, D.C.

published November 14, 2011

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The center aims to focus in particular on needs in and around the nation's capital, with respect to information needs in connection with the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

In addition, the center reflects the company's goal of expanding its review facilities onshore; the newly opened center adds to the company's network of facilities in Charlotte, Fargo, New York City and Pittsburgh. In addition, the new center complements Integreon's offshoring capabilities; the company employs scores of attorneys in its offshore review centers in Mumbai, New Delhi and Manila.

The review center has amphitheater seating, as one would find in a law school classroom, so as to provide a clear line of sight and facilitate group discussion, training, and workflow. The center is located near the company's discovery facilities and state-of-the-art electronic evidence lab in Arlington. All employ similar secure access technologies so as to protect clients' information.

Integreon's managed review services empower companies with regard to the e-discovery cycle. The services allow companies to greatly decrease the investment in document review, in both dollars and time. At the same time, the services also enable companies to meet defensibility demands and deliver top quality results.

The launch of the review center represents an ever growing trend to outsource e-discovery. With the proliferation of technology, this type of outsourcing will only continue to grow and, if managed properly, will enable legal departments to continue to become more efficient, competitive and profitable.

Foster Gibbons, Vice President of Legal Solutions for Integreon, was quoted as saying in the press release: “General counsel of D.C.-based organizations and D.C. law firms have expressed an interest in having reviews executed locally by D.C.- and Virginia-based lawyers with strong government investigations and regulatory domain expertise. GCs view the work that they need help with as specialized and highly sensitive, and they are looking to partner with providers on whom they can rely for the highest standards of confidentiality and competency. The layout and operational model of the Arlington facility will be a template for the next generation of our dedicated-review facilities.”

Integreon is the largest provider in the world of integrated legal, research and business solutions, according to information on the company's website. Clients include nine of the top ten global law firms, the top ten investment banks, as well as many top global brands.

published November 14, 2011

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