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David Becker’s Conflict Report Raises Bigger Problem

published October 21, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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David Becker's Conflict Report Raises Bigger Problem
The Securities and Exchange Commission's inspector general dealt a body blow to, the former general counsel now a partner at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, David Becker last month. The carefully detailed report of H. David Kotz narrated Becker's involvement in various investor issues arising from the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme, albeit the SEC's position on these issues could affect him financially and he had inherited the earnings of his mother's liquidated Madoff account. In an outrageous twirl of events, the Department of Justice has to determine if Becker's was engaged in a criminal conflict of interest. Becker had consulted with the SEC's ethics officer, in his defense, who concluded that he had no conflict and gave him the signal for handling Madoff investor issues.
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