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Tax Payers to Fund Mob Bosses' Defense

published July 11, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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Following his June 22nd arrest, Bulger informed Magistrate Judge Marianne Bowler that he could pay for his own defense only if given access to the money that was seized from his rent-controlled apartment. That money, however, was confiscated as the product of illegal activity and cannot be released to pay for his defense. Bulger's family member's, including the former Massachusetts Senate President William Bulger, have not offered to fund the defense. Due to the circumstances, Bowler determined that Bulger could not pay for his own counsel. However, she also made it clear that if Bulger's financial statements prove to be false, he may have to repay all attorney fees.

Prior to Bowler's ruling, US District Chief Judge Mark Wolf agreed to drop the 1994 racketeering charges against Bulger, thus allowing federal law enforcement to concentrate on the 19 murder charges against the former leader of the South Boston Winter Hill Gang. With the dismissal of the racketeering charges, Wolf will now be withdrawn from the case. Coincidentally, Wolf was also involved in Bulger's 1994 racketeering indictment. The later indictment will be relegated to Judge Richard Stearns.

Krupp, however, has suggested that the government's abandonment of the racketeering charges was merely a ploy to have a new judge appointed to the case. ''The government's apparent forum shopping is contrary to the public interest and undermines public confidence in the judicial process,'' said Krupp, who had previously requested a merger of the two racketeering indictments against Bulger.

Although Bulger's newly-appointed defense attorney has referred to representing Bulger as ''a daunting task,'' such cases are not new to him. Carney has been involved in a number of high profile cases, including the John Salvi case. In 1994, Salvi killed two workers and wounded others when he entered two Massachusetts Planned Parenthood Clinics, armed with a gun. Salvi was not arrested until 1996, following a clinic shooting in Virginia. Despite Carney's argument that Salvi suffered from schizophrenia, Salvi was convicted. Carney also represented Kenneth Seguin who was charged in the death of his wife and two children in 1993. His is currently involved in the defense of Tarek Mehanna, who has been charged with developing plans to shoot shoppers at US malls, kill two US politicians, and murder American troops stationed in Iraq.

Bassil, who graduated from Boston University Law School, is also familiar with complex cases. She represented Mark Kerrigan when he was charged with manslaughter following the death of his father. Kerrigan, the brother of Olympic figure skater Nancy Kerrigan, was acquitted in May.

''Janice and I have handled very complicated cases in the past. And we know how to handle them, and we're prepared to handle this one,'' Carney said.

Carney and Bassil both began their law careers as state court public defenders in Boston. Immediately after obtaining her JD in 1978, Carney spent six years as a public defender before accepting the position of assistant district attorney for Middlesex County. As an assistant district attorney, Carney managed a number of prosecutors who were involved in murder, sexual abuse, drug trafficking, and other significant cases. In 1989, Carney and Bassil founded Carney and Bassil, a Boston firm that specializes in civil, criminal, and probate cases.
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