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The University of Pittsburgh School of Law

published June 13, 2011

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Since its humble beginnings, the School of Law has seen a moot court program instituted, the creation of the Barco Law Library with its 325,000 volumes, as well as the law school’s expansion beyond the Cathedral of Learning into the school’s current location, a spacious six-story law center.

The School of Law has continued to embrace change, and that is reflected in the curriculum. Traditional core courses are a staple, such as Property, Torts, and Criminal Law, but the school has added courses in areas of the law that are growing in demand, such as intellectual property and administrative law, and the development of subspecialties of core courses, such as Real Estate Transactions. Additionally, courses such as Law and Medicine, Elder Law and Guardianship, and Feminist Legal Theory reflect the school’s vision regarding an interdisciplinary approach.

The University of Pittsburgh School of Law offers four degrees; the M.S.L. - Master of Studies in Law, which is designed for individuals wanting to expand their knowledge of the law, but not intending to practice law, the J.D. - Juris Doctor, the LL.M. - Master of Laws, and the J.S.D., the Doctor of Juridical Science, which is a doctoral degree designed for lawyers seeking academic appointments.

Mary Crossley, Dean and Professor of Law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, remarks in her welcoming comments at the school’s website: ''Students who wish to focus their studies can enjoy the numerous benefits of enrolling in one of our five certificate programs, with their opportunities for international externships, instruction in litigation skills by teams of top practicing litigators, or membership on an intellectual property moot court team. Seven joint degree programs, including two partnerships with Carnegie Mellon University, permit students to craft discipline-bridging courses of study in areas including public health, business administration, and international affairs.''

Pitt Law students also have the unique opportunity to serve as editors at JURIST, an award-winning website and the world's only virtual, legal news source built by students. JURIST is viewed by nearly 100,000 people each week.

The University of Pittsburgh School of Law is currently ranked 71st out of 184 in US News and World Report's rankings of America's top law schools. It is also one of 80 law schools with membership in the Order of the Coif.
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