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Thomas Jefferson School of Law

published May 26, 2011

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With a brand new campus that opened in early 2011, Thomas Jefferson School of Law is certainly feeling the winds of change. Once a part of the Western State University College of Law, 1995 brought with it a break of sorts when the law school wanted to stand apart, building its own strength from the law students who define it. Although it's been in existence since 1969, it appears to have, in recent years, found its own niche in the ever competitive American law school pool. This private law school has more than 100 full time faculty with around 700 full time and 250 part time students.

Accredited in the late 1990s by the American Bar Association, it wasn't until late 2008 that ground broke on the new eco-friendly campus. Located in historical East Village, the eight story building was designed to not only comply with green building requirements, as set forth by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, it surpassed them. The result was an extremely contemporary campus that draws one in awe. The building itself is more than 300,00 sq. ft., offers a two story law library, cafes, legal clinics, classrooms and a bookstore. Outdoor terraces on each floor (the most recent one, the fifth floor, opened in Spring 2011) and an architectural masterpiece welcomes staff, students and faculty on a daily basis.

While TJSL has focused, in recent years, to drawing new law students, it still takes pride in its part time evening courses for the ''working professionals'' who might already be settled in one career, but who wish to make the transition into law. It's a formula that continues to work as there is an almost even division between those attending full time and those attending part time only.

One interesting note about the new facility: Dean Rudy Hasl reported the discovery of mammoth fossils and even whale bones during the groundbreaking process. Those were turned over to the San Diego Natural History Museum, where they remain on display.

Tuition costs are $38,700 for full time students and hover near $27,000 for part time students.
With a Social Justice Center that encourages research and teaching efforts and focuses on civil rights and liberties, gender equality, employment law and even illegal controlled substances, everyone's passion is met with the capable and impressive team of professors who take pride in their efforts of ensuring the brightest law students are allowed to flourish in their educational pursuits.

For more information on the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, visit the website at Thomas Jefferson School of Law via

Learn the 10 Factors That Matter to Big Firms More Than Where You Went to Law School
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