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Albany Law School

published April 20, 2011

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After Albany Law School was founded, the decision was made to partner with both Union College and Albany Medical College. This new merge resulted in a name change to ''Union University''. It wasn't long before another prestigious campus came aboard. The Albany College of Pharmacy officially became part of the Union University after 1875. Another interesting note is Albany Law School was the very first college in the United States that published a completely student edited law review.

Albany Law offers fourteen specialized areas, along with internships, courtesy of the Albany Law School Clinic Justice Center as well as the Government Law Center. In recent years, Albany began offering an LLM program, which remains full with a long waiting list. Tuition is based on the traditional nine month academic year and the university also includes other educational expenses deemed necessary. Further, Albany allows students to either rent or purchase a computer while allowing it to be included in the cost of attendance.

Tuition for the 2011-2012 year is $41,570. Couple in registration fees, books and supplies, medical and dental considerations as well as rent, and the total amounts to $59,720.

Each year, more than 2,500 would-be lawyers apply for admission into Albany Law. The school accepts around 230 per year. The LSAT median is 154 with the GPA median at 3.5. The bar passage rate for first timer takers is at 76% and finally, the male to female ratio is 57% to 43%.

The first thing law students learn is the commitment of faculty and staff to help law students not only succeed, but thrive in their chosen careers. Because the law school is located in New York's capital, these students are afforded rare opportunities to intern with any number of private or public sector positions. The campus rests snugly on 30 acres and shares its campus with the other colleges and research facilities. Further, the campus is its own small island, proverbially speaking, with its fitness center, art gallery and book store. Just off the campus, students enter a historic world, complete with classic brownstones and cobbled roadways.

Most recently, the historic meetings with experts from SEC and FINRA took place on the Albany Law School campus. The goal was to carefully weigh the options, pros and cons associated with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform. These history-making events often take place on the Albany Law campus.

For more information on Albany Law School, visit the website at
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