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Ken Salazar's Battle

published April 06, 2011

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Ken Salazar is this week's Law Star inductee - and it's going to be a busy week for him. Keep reading for more information on the Interior Secretary and why this latest news had him saying, ''At the end of the day, it was that complacency that created an oil spill that poured hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil per day into the Gulf of Mexico''.

Secretary Salazar is currently the 50th interior secretary in our nation's history. Before he was confirmed by the Obama Administration, he served as U.S. Senator in 2004 for his home state. He is a fifth generation Coloradan and has long since been a vocal proponent for measures that would ease the dependency the U.S. has on foreign oil. He played a role in the Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection and Energy Efficiency Act in 2007 and has become one of the few heroes in the ongoing national health care program.

Up until 2004, Salazar filled the role of Colorado's attorney general. His movements ensured communities were safer, the laws regarding sex offenders were tightened and the elderly were protected from scam artists. He founded several programs and units that focused on cleaning up crime throughout the state. Salazar honed in on the state's legal profession and some of those programs he created included the Gang Prosecution Unit, the Genera Fugitive Prosecution Unit and Environmental Crimes Unit.

Salazar graduated from Colorado College in 1977 with a bachelor's in political science. He then decided to try his hand in the legal profession and soon graduated with his JD from the University of Michigan law School in 1981. Since then, he has received several honorary degrees from a few universities in Colorado.

Once Salazar completed law school, he immediately went into private practice, where he remained for several years until the lure of politics began affecting him again. It was an ideal solution and one that allowed him to combine his two passions: politics and the law. Before long, the Obama Administration came calling. Little did he know how much the summer of 2010 would affect the lives of every American for many years as a nation watched in horror as thousands of gallons of crude oil were spilling onto the ocean floor every minute. Now that news of these bonuses has hit, Salazar is leading the charge to hold TransOcean more accountable. Never one to shy away from a challenge, Salazar moves with the confidence of a rock star, determined for someone to answer his questions. As the nation, and certainly the residents along the Gulf Coast, wait for the events to unfold, Salazar is moving forward in his efforts as well. If he has his way, those bonuses will be rescinded.

For more information on Secretary Ken Salazar, visit the Department of the Interior at