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Anetra D. E. Parks, University of Wyoming College of Law Director of Law Career Services

published February 09, 2011

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<<With a penchant for assisting law students as they begin new chapters in their lives, Anetra Parks stands ready to help with anything from helping a student choose between his offers to composing effective cover letters and resumes. She takes pride in every role she fills, even if they change from moment to moment. She also serves as the liaison between the law school and the legal community as a whole. She begins early in the semester as she scans the faces in search of her prediction of who will shine in a particular legal sector and once they do, she's ready with the right employer for an internship or interview. Her knack for accuracy is impressive.

Before arriving at the University of Wyoming, Parks practiced law in both Wisconsin and Wyoming. She graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder; first with a degree in Classics, followed by a J.D. from the University of Colorado School of Law. She is an active member of the National Association for Legal Career Professionals, the Colorado Bar Association, the Colorado Indian Bar Association, the American Bar Association and the Denver Area Legal Recruiters Association.

Parks is both dedicated to the student body and committed to the legal community as a whole. She is consistent, reliable and thorough. The students have come to trust Parks and she considers that as important as her law degree. Without trust, she would not be able to effectively do her job. From counseling services for both alumni and current students, along with placement efforts, subscriptions to various job boards, judicial clerkships, legal associations and job tips, the Career Services offices work while never losing perspective of their goals: to keep the energy levels high, ensure employers are interested in graduating seniors and working to keep the law school's image as sterling as it has always been. With Anetra D.E. Parks at the helm, these priorities remain solid and intact.

For more information on the University of Wyoming College of Law, visit the website at and for more information on Anetra Parks, her biography can be found here.
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